The Bible, and Revelation's Truth regarding Israel’s central position in coming world events:-


 Revelation's Message


Bearing in mind Rev. 22:18-19,    

V. 18 "I testify to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If anyone shall add to them, God shall add to that person the plagues that are written in this book:   

V.19 And if any one shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away that person's part out of the Book Of Life, and out of the Holy City, which are written in this book".   

The emphasis in V. 18 of adding to, and V. 19 of taking away is indeed a dire warning; but is intended only for Anti-Christ-Anti-God-Spirits and people; in fact in Rev. 1-3 encouragement and blessing is promised to those that study and keep (in the mind and heart) the messages shown.

However, when the motive of the writer or reader is pure before God Almighty, i.e. only to attempt to understand the Truth of God's Word, then there is nothing to fear.  

The warning is given because demonic entities and satanically inspired people will try to pervert the words, for many and varied purposes, all of which are Anti-God and Anti-Christ; especially as the prophecies regarding the return to Earth of Christ Jesus grow closer; which, with the world events now showing regarding militant Islam, the Arab Nations, and Israel; is probably quite close to fruition (Aug. 2020)!  (See: Biblical 7 and 70 Significance).   

At this point, an important point needs to be made.  Eve approached Adam after she was sufficiently beguiled by Satan as to the “Tree of Knowledge of good and evil”; which was against the Word of God!  Satan has been acting in this manner ever since (see: Father of Lies, John 8:44); and in 1John 4:1-3, John shows how “spirits” should be tested.  As well as 1John 4:2; any person who hates or dislikes Biblical prophecy, and refuses to accept it or teach it, are also in real danger of rejection by Almighty God, as they are in effect denying God Himself!  This is said, as many Bible teachers of Sunday Schools, are in this category, and they are often women from the congregation dealing with the minds of young children; and children have a special bond with women, and give them close attention!  The importance of prophecy is emphasised by Jesus in Matt. 24!

The Anti-God forces now showing in the world, are not new, and often seem to be very "normal" as is seen in the Gospels.  Satan is always behind such forces and actions, as the god (major force) of this present world which is allowed at present by God, until the Culminations in Israel (the Promised Land)!  He shows himself particularly when important events are affecting Israel as they are presently (2020)! 

The Lord thus condemned the Pharisees in Matthew 12:32, as they stated His "Holy Spirit" Power was of Satan.  This is clearly defined by the Lord as the "unforgivable sin".  The same verse states that the same condemnation would apply to "the Age to come" (mistranslated “world”)!  This may well have been the Acts period, but may also (probably) have future application, in the prophetic events yet to be on Earth!   

There are now around the world, many teachings from the Bible that when compared, are different, and which conflict!  This leaves people in the many Churches, Denominations and Groups, in a state of reliance on their leaders, with conflicting emotions, and in many cases, anger as the leaders will not give clarity when comparing with the Bible; and or demand childlike obedience to them!

Witness Northern Ireland, the history of religion in Europe over the last few hundred years, etc. and the continuing religious strife’s all over the world!   

This need not be!   

The cause is the lack of true understanding of different 'times' (Ages) (Administrations) (Dispensations), which are linked to God's dealings with mankind (Israel and the Gentile Nations), and the changing priorities from one to the other, and Satan’s roles (prophesied in the Bible).    

A very clear example is the change at Acts 28:25-28, when the Nation of Israel was 'put to one side' (Lo-Ammi), because of their rejection of Jesus Christ, their long awaited Messiah!    

At that stage (Acts 28:28), the Gentiles became prime object for the Almighty, as His chosen people, the Jews, were put to one side for a period of time; (called Lo Ammi); until the "times of the Gentiles" is completed (Rom. 11:25-27)!  Since then a 'new man' (Eph. 2:15) (the Body of Christ) (see: Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ: ) began to be formed, in approx. AD 61, which process is still underway!  (See: Bible Dispensations)

When that 'new man' (The Body) is complete, Israel will become 'prime-object' again in the next Age time (Dispensation)!   

There are many probably sincere attempts to teach and understand Scripture and Revelation and prophecies, which do not do justice to the Inspired Word of God, which probably applies to much human effort.  However, it is the writers conviction that where prayerful, sincere, but maybe feeble effort is exerted by a person, the Holy Spirit enables, and gives energy and understanding.   

Unfortunately we weak humans can tend to dogmatism, but when our hearts are open and sincere before our Lord, we can expect reward in the understanding of the Word.

Also to be understood is the reference in 2Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation".  This is badly translated, and from the original text means that Bible prophecy did not originate from men, but from the Holy Spirit through men of God as is made clear in verse 21; and its correct interpretation is always with the aid of the Holy Spirit and prayer to Him!   

Peter's comment in the above quote, has also been used mainly by the Roman Church through the last nearly 1,700 years approx. to stop individual people from thinking that they can understand Scripture on their own.  The Church of England translators followed the Roman Church pattern, introducing priestly control of the Word in the 1600s, which started under Constantine and Helena, in the 4th century AD. The implication that only the Church, English, Roman, or others and their leaders, could interpret Scripture and particularly prophecy, gave control to them for many centuries, excluding the common man from God's Word!   (See: The Gross Neglect by Church Teachers and Leaders of Coming Events:)!

This phenomenon is still active, and many cults and so called "Churches", will not allow questioning of their doctrine and teachings!  An organisation which will not allow questioning of itself against Scripture, needs to be questioned!  This is particularly the case where non-Biblical teaching is propagated openly; as Satan's control will show!   

The Roman Church’s teachings reached down into Protestant revisions and translations, and show in the confusion in Protestantism regarding the teaching of Jesus, and His appointed successor, the great Apostle Paul (see: The Sermon on the Mount;  Apostle Paul: Apostle Paul's Accusers).     

The early reformers and Bible translators, notably William Tyndale; suffered much martyrdom as they wrested the Bible from the Latin into common English and other European languages, away from the Roman Church in Europe.  Martin Luther himself whose great uncovering of the Apostle Paul's  "justification by faith alone in Jesus the Christ"; is still not fully understood and followed, and most Churches worldwide mix this profound truth with many of Christ’s teachings; most of which were for Israel only at that time, (see above link “Sermon on the Mount”).  Luther himself was the subject of assassination attempts by the Roman Church, but was protected by a rich and powerful sympathiser.  His great bravery and open preaching against Rome, is sullied only by his misunderstanding of the Jews!  

The purpose of the following work on Revelation; and all our individual studies are intended as a study aid; and not intended to assume absolute accuracy, but there may be many similarities; and are to be used as aids to individual study! 

It is clear from Chapter (1) of Revelation, that the central theme is Jewish, see: Replacement Theology  which points to the re-starting of Jewish history(therefore Jewish prophetic history).  This implies that Israel is or soon will be AMMI, (My people) as opposed to LO-AMMI, (not My people), (Hosea Chapters 1 & 2).

The fact that the "Anti-Christ" causes the ending of the Temple ritual in the "midst of the week" (Dan 9:27); and as the last 3½ years of "the week" are to be "Jacob's Trouble", (see: Jacob's Trouble ) shows that the first 3½ years allowed the next Temple to be built, (but is probably not the Ezekiel Temple) and its procedure to be established after the "peace deal" brokered by the Anti-Christ!  See: The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel.    

Some teach that the early Chapters of Revelation are historic, and point to the 7 Churches of Asia (i.e. implying that they are the ones of Paul's ministry).  That may be the case, but is not the view of the writers!  However.  The writers feel Paul’s Ekklesia are the "first event" of a future "filling full" which is common in Scripture.  Also, the fact is that 6 of them are of different names which precludes the “historic” argument!   

It is obviously apparent at the present time that Satan does not reside at Pergamon which argues for the previous paragraph which is prophetic (Rev. 2:13), with the horrific events of the time that he has his throne there; but as the current conflict in the Mid-East develops (2020); it is not difficult to see that development!  (See: The Great River Euphrates).       

Also commonly taught is that the horrific events described in Revelation are allegoric and not actual.  Although some of the Chapters are over-view and repeat, the whole of Revelation is the mind of Almighty God expressed to primarily the Jewish Nation, (see: The Day of the Lord: Rev. Chps. 1,2,4,7,15 & 22) with consequences for the Gentile Nations.

The title "Revelation", (Greek; apokalupsis) means; the Unveiled Christ.  That unveiling is to be for Israel, the Nations, and for the imprisoning of Satan for 1000 years; (Rev.20) and the setting up by Messiah Christ Jesus of 1000 years of Earthly reign by Him from Jerusalem (this is called The Millennial Reign of Christ).  As will be seen later, Christ's work is not completed until the end of that 1000 years Reign; and Satan will be released for a short time at its end prior to his final demise (Rev. 20).  (See: Satan's Demise! 

The main Bible used in this work is the Companion, which is the Authorised text.  Dr. E. W. Bullinger's work has corrections to translations, errors and additions in the margin, which are the result of his and Dr. Ginsburg's scholarship. 

The purpose of this joyful labour, is the continuing search for Truth, and to put on record what we believe are necessary re-examinations of worldwide teaching error or omission; and to help if possible the “hurting” of Christendom who are made that way by erroneous teachings   

The Truth of personal Salvation (Acts 4:12), and the future of the world is not sufficiently taught from the Bible; which is the only source of Truth (2Tim. 3:16); and many Churches demand a "works" element to Salvation; mixing the words of Jesus with those of Paul; (see: Paul's Changing Mission!); and not realising that Christ’s Mission was to the Jews only up to Acts 28:28; and Paul’s was primarily to the Gentiles and Jews after Acts 28:28!  Jesus only ever preached the “Kingdom Gospel” to the Jews, and gave instructions to His Disciples to stay within the Israel Geographic boundries,during His time on earth; and prior to His resurrection.  Whereas, Paul’s Ministry after the Synagogue of Rome, and the rejection of the Jews at Acts 28:28, was to all the world’s peoples; and his preaching was free Salvation in the shed blood of Jesus; and the “Mystery Church”!  As the Truth is that God's Salvation in Christ Jesus is free; and by faith only; which became the Truth after Acts 28:25-28 (up to approx. AD62), was that of the Kingdom Gospel of Christ Jesus Messiah (to the Jews); as embodied in James and the other Disciples; and had the Jews not rejected Jesus’ teaching would have prompted His Second Advent prior to AD70!   

Turning to Christ Jesus is always the first step in Salvation.  Good works (that He would have us do) follow automatically, as our relationship with Jesus grows!

Many College trained and well qualified men, and women stand against the Word of God in Scripture, stating that it is only a book with many changes.  The remarkable fact is that the consistency of translation and transmission according to scholars is almost 99%!   Almighty God and His Holy Spirit (who is the author of the Bible), oversees this fact, to enable succeeding generations to know His Love for mankind.  

Every human being has the right and privilege to find that Truth, without hindrance from others, no matter what position or title they hold in society.  The length of time left to accept the Grace of the Almighty in Christ is undoubtedly short, prior to the events described in Revelation!   

In our case, Acts 4:12 became a reality in the 1960s.  Sorting out Biblical fact and fiction started in earnest in 1986, after the wonderful revealing of Acts 28:28; "The Key that fits", by Mr. Charles Welch, see: Bible Dispensations.  This was after many years of Bible study, and living prayerfully with and through various groups teachings; which led to confusion and perplexity, as they did not hold veracity under scrutiny for example “the Second Blessing” of the Charismatic Churches!  And “healing on demand”!  In our experience, when some teachers or leaders are sincerely questioned, they can be resistant, authoritarian and defensive, holding their group dogma, rather than turning to the Word in sincerity and prayer.  (See: OUR WALK OF FAITH (The Authors Experience).    

The Ecumenical Movement which in principle is laudable, and instigated by Rome, has dulled the senses of many Denominations to the extent that even Salvation by Grace is no longer taught to the congregations, instead the teaching is "there are many ways to God"!  This apostasy negates Acts 4:12, and the Bible.  This of course plays into the hands of Satan, and his Anti-Christ.  (See: Satan's Seed  &  Satan's Demise!).      

The words of Miles Coverdale helped to give the start of enlightenment:  

"It will greatly help understanding of Scripture to see what is spoken or written, by whom, to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goes before and what follows".   

He was supremely qualified to make such comment, having translated from the Latin (Jerome), to the English.   

Following this principle of "what, whom, to whom, what words, what time, where, to what intent, what circumstances, what goes before; and what follows"; will enable any person to differentiate the teachings of Jesus and those of the great Apostle Paul; not forgetting that after Acts 28:28, Christ’s Words and teaching were through the mouth of Paul!!   

Just at the right moment for us, the Companion Bible was presented, (and was an answer to prayer 7 years earlier), which as said is a work of Biblical scholarship which we feel is unique, by Dr. E.W. Bullinger, who was a Greek and Hebrew Scholar, who used the Old Testament notes of the well-known Dr. David Ginsburg: This is of particular importance due to David Ginsburg's academic excellence and Rabbinic training.  The text is the King James 1611 Authorised, with large margin for comment on the best manuscript comparison.  When the understanding of Israel's prophetic position is seen, the Bible unlocks, and The Almighty's message and meanings starts to unfold! 

FUTURE: (Aug. 2020)

Yet to be seen in Israel, is the prophetic establishment of Jerusalem to the statement made by Almighty God ("Jehovah Shammah") to the Jews that Jerusalem is the location of “His Name to Dwell”, (Deut. 12:5, 12:11, 12:21, 16:2, 16:6, 16:11, 26:2, 2Chron. 6:6, Neh. 1:9, Psms. 46, 47 & 48, Isa. 1:26, Isa. 60:14, Jer. 3:17, Ezk. 48:35, Matt. 5:35 & Matt. 23:37)!  (See: Jerusalem The Day of the Lord: Rev. Chps. 1,2,4,7,15 & 22),     

Also; the establishment of the location of the next Jewish Temple!  (The Jewish Temple's Purpose and Meaning).  

As regards the next Temple and the religious context, after the six day war with Israel of 1967, in which Israel took control of Gaza, the Golan Heights, the so called “West Bank” and Jerusalem; after being invaded from all sides; the Temple Mount was left in the control of Jordon and vicariously the PA.  There are political and religious reasons that the Temple Mount was not fully restored to Israel at that time, not least of which is the desire by Israel for a peaceful solution  to the Palestinian conflict.  Also, the South Eastern neighbour, Jordon is ruled by the ‘Hashemite Dynasty', which it is claimed by Islam is in the direct line of Mohammed, and is named after; ‘HASHIM’ the great grandfather of Mohammed.  The ‘Hashemite’ Kings have maintained  the Temple site physically, and are as prominent Muslims jealous to keep the al-Aqsa as their unique domain for all time!  It should be noted that the PA has recently successfully passed a vote through the United Nations Assembly; stating that the Temple Mount "should only be referred to as an Islamic religious setting".  The UN text is as follows: "A draft UN resolution speaking of the Temple Mount solely as an Islamic holy site, by referencing it only by its Muslim name of al-Haram al-Sharif, was approved by 138 member states at the General Assembly last week" (5/11/20).

There seems to be no solution to this impasse; so it is interesting to observe what the Bible’s comments have to say!

First, Almighty God’s comments on Jerusalem give the first insights as to Almighty God’s Mind on the matter!  These can be seen in (see: Jerusalem); and can be summed up by God’s statement in 2Chronicles 6:6, with at least 35 related references in the Old Testament!

That God in Christ Jesus in the future will resolve Esau’s/Edom’s hatred of Israel (Jacob), is shown in many Scriptures passages i.e. Isaiah 34:8 and 63:1-6, but in many other passages also.  The reference in Isa. 63:1-6 are particularly pointed, as they show that the eventual outcome will be devastating for Edom/Esau/Jordon!  It will also for the first time be the unchallenged establishment of the “One True God”, Isa. 49:6-8 and 45:5!  See: Zion  

Also prayerfully seen, are that the teachings of Jesus to the Jews are a re-iteration of Moses and prophets of Israel; and are so due to, Israel’s unfaithfulness from the Exodus to the Crucifixion; and are laid out in detail in Deuteronomy, 4:27; 28:64; Lev. 26:33; Ezk. 22:15; Malachi and elsewhere; with the consequences of failure.  As Jesus said; "I come only to the lost sheep of Israel" (at that time), and as the One Who had sent His messages to Moses and the Prophets; was in Person re-iterating His standards to Israel (for the coming Kingdom Age)!

Also needing to be understood, is the fact that Paul’s teaching does not conflict with Christ’s; but was/is a continuation of Christ’s into the "Gentile Age" after Acts 28:28; and as Paul stated to King Aggripa; was under the instruction of the Risen Lord (Acts 26:16)!   

When people see these facts, the study of Paul's last 7 letters to the Churches becomes joyful, (Phil., Philemon, Col., Eph., 1Tim., Titus & 2Tim), which are the teachings of Christ to His Body (the true Church) until the next "Age"; which terminates with the “Translation”, (1Thess. 4:13-18)!   

After the return of Christ Jesus as "Messiah" to Israel; and during the "Millennial Kingdom Period"; the teachings of Jesus to Israel typified by the "Sermon on the Mount" of Matt. Chapter 5 (see: Sermon on the Mount), but in many forms throughout the Gospels; will become a day to day reality; due to God/Christ’s residing in Jerusalem; and the Holy Spirit’s aid to all Jews and other world residents, who have survived to the Millennial who request His aid and help in their decisions and circumstances.  

This is partly what is being shown in Chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, where the "Churches" (Ekklesia) are shown they can request help from the Holy Spirit during their testing trials; and was the principle of what was on offer to the Jews from Exodus to the end of Acts.  This was evident in the examples in the Old Testament men of God, in Christ Jesus in the Gospel miraculous signs; and in the Acts period up to Acts 28:28, after which that power from God to the Jews ceased; due to their rejection of Jesus, as the Anointed of God (Christ); and their long awaited "Messiah"!   See: The Seven Churches (Ekklesia).    

This is evidenced in Paul’s inability to heal various people as shown in 2Tim. 4:20, as that power of healing was a continuation of that shown by Jesus in the Gospels; and that of Acts 2, for the continuing evangelising of the Jews of Palestine and the Diaspora; and did not end until Acts 28:28; when the last of the important Synagogues had rejected Jesus as Messiah!  The example of Trophimus (2Tim. 4:20; AD 68 approx.), shows Paul unable to heal, which proves the point.  

It is reiterated, that it is our prayer and hope, that the use of this material together with a good Bible translation will ease the pain of those who are feeling restricted, contradicted and confused by the contrary teachings of the many Denominations and Groups around the world; always using a good Bible translation; of which the Companion Bible is recommended!    

Other works used in these Studies are: 

Hendrickson Interlinear Bible with Strong's Concordance


New International Version;  

Companion Bible;   


Youngs Literal;   





Scofield Study Bible;  

PeshittA  (Victor Alexander);  



Matthew Henry;  

Things to Come;  


New Bible Dictionary;  


Youngs Literal Translation of the Bible;    

Encyclopaedia Britannica;   




Other references given in full.    

This work should be read in conjunction with constant reference to Scripture. 

If you have questions or comments, please email:


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