The Covenants


Question: Mark 14:24 addresses the Passover Covenant, the Codex Sinaiticus says “Covenant” but the Textus Receptus says “New Covenant” this relates to fulfilling the Passover Covenant.  Did Christ teach to keep Passover and remember His blood shed for many?


Question: What is the evidence for the existence of an Ark of the Covenant, and if it did exist, where would it be?

The Ark of God’s Covenant with Israel, is at present with Almighty God in Heaven, see Rev.11:19!

This Sacred Contract/Covenant was rejected by the Chosen people, not so much by “lip service”, but by heart actions in their personal and Religious life!

Almighty God has secured the safety of His Covenant, because it is to play a massively important role in the future fulfilment of His promises to His “Chosen people”, even though in their hearts, and in Truth they have shown themselves unworthy to hold such an honoured Role in God’s Plans and Affections!

When God sent His only Begotten Son into the world to become “Sin for them”, and later for the whole world’s peoples; they again rejected Him (Acts 28:25–28), which was prophesied in Isa.6:9–10!

Jesus had prophesied that would happen when He inaugurated the “New Covenant” in His Body and Blood during the Last Supper with His Disciples, and which happened only 33 years later in approx. AD63–4!

The Jews in Acts 28:28 again rejected the loving provision of Almighty God; and they became “Lo-Ammi” (not My people); which was triggered by the Apostle Paul when he quoted and enacted Isa. 6:9–10!

That same prophecy also placed the “Great Salvation” of Christ Jesus’ Death Sacrifice into the hands, and first priority of the Gentiles of the world, and remains thus at present; and will end when “the fullness of the Gentiles comes in” (Rom.11:25!

In the meantime, the Tribes of Israel have been dispersed worldwide; which was the prophecy of Deuteronomy 30; but in recent times has started to be reversed; which will reach climax at the events of Zech.12:10; when the “Great Mourning of Israel” will take place; as they realise their many great sinning against their loving God!!

God will have then have full-filled His Promise to “Save His People Israel” FOR HIS NAMES SAKE; which will then usher in the “Kingdom of God on Earth” (of the Lord’s Prayer), which will be of 1000 years duration (the Millennial).

At that stage, the TWO Covenants will have been brought together, which will clearly show and WITNESS that the “SALVATION OF GOD” is totally of GOD; and by no other; human or otherwise!


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