Alexandrian Library    (Separate study)  

ALL ISRAEL!     (Separate study)   

Alpha and Omega in the Bible    (Separate study) 

Ancient Aramaic Manuscripts, Pshitta O and A:   (Separate study) 

Angels   (Separate study) 

Angels / Demons    (Separate study) 

Angel and Spirit Guides!   (Separate study) 

Angels and Seraphs     (Separate study) 

Angels Good and Bad?    (Separate study) 

Angels, Invisible?    (Separate study)

Angel Numbers?     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

ANOINTING     (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE!  (Ezekiel 38 and 39)?   (Separate study) 

APOCALYPSE (The)    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul's Authenticity!   (Separate study) 

Apostles and Prophets     (Separate study) 

Ark of God Returns    (Separate study)   

ARK of Jehovah God    (Separate study) 

Authentic Bible    (Separate study)

Babylon's Purpose    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Accuracy     (Separate study) 

Bible Age and Progression    (Separate study)

Bible and Archaeology!     (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible, Books Removed    (Separate study) 

Bible comments on conflict and violence   (Separate study)   

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Doctrine     (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Bible Manuscripts    (Separate study)

Bible Misunderstanding    (Separate study)   

Bible Origin    (Separate study)

Bible Study    (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

Bible Text Corruption:   (Separate study)

Bible (the) Veracity of:    (Separate study)

BIBLE Translations     (Separate study)

Bible Translations and Examinations     (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Bible Understanding!   (Separate study)

Bible versus Human Record    (Separate study) 

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study) 

Book of Enoch, and the Jews!    (Separate study)

Book of ENOCH!    (Separate study)

Book of the Dead ! ?   (Separate study)

Books to Help Bible Study   (Separate study)      

CALVIN     (Separate study)

Calvin's Debate      (Separate study)

Calvin's Interpretation    (Separate study)

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Canaanite Peoples   (Separate study)

Canaanites    (Separate study)

Canaanites History     (Separate study)

Canon of Scripture   (Separate study)

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Child Sacrifice !!   (Separate study)

Christ Confirms the OT and NT  (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Churches (7) of Revelation, means 7 Ecclesia!   (Separate study) 

Church Progression   (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Christian Women     (Separate study)

Civilizations Rise and Fall!   (Separate study)

Companion Bible    (Separate study)

Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

Corruption of the Bible Text:  (Separate study)

CREATION    (Separate study)

Creation / Evolution?    (Separate study)

Creator God!    (Separate study)

Criticism of the Origins of the Bible:  (Separate study)

Daniel and Commentaries    (Separate study)

Daniel and Idols!    (Separate study)

Daniel and Revelation    (Separate study)

Daniel's 70th Week Date Position?    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

Daniel in Babylon     (Separate study)

Daniel the Prophet     (Separate study)

Darius the Great!      (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

David and the Tribes of Israel    (Separate study) 

Demonic Possession?    (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Demon Resistance!    (Separate study)

Demon's Fate!     (Separate study)

DIASPORA     (Separate study)

Disease versus Perfection    (Separate study)

Dispensational Action    (Separate study)

Dominion over Creation    (Separate study)

Earth Age and the Bible     (Separate study)

Earth Burning?    (Separate study)

Edom, Esau and Obadiah    (Separate study)

Egyptian Plagues by God on Egypt !    (Separate study)

ELIJAH    (Separate study)

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

ENOCH    (Separate study)

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

Evil, Resisting!    (Separate study)

Evolution (man's book), Bible (God's book)!   (Separate study) 

Faith (In Christ Jesus)    (Separate study)

Favourite Bible Verses    (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

Flood, Global or Local?     (Separate study)  

Flood of Noah    (Separate study)  

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

Free-will and Eternity    (Separate study) 

Fulfilled Prophecy    (Separate study)

GEMATRIA     (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

God and Pharaoh    (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Dealing with Israel, past and future!   (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

God's Will, re. Moses!   (Separate study)

God's Word and NASA!      (Separate study)

HAM and CANAAN!    (Separate study)

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

Herod the Great     (Separate study)  

Holy Bible, and Holy Spirit!    (Separate study)  

HUMAN HEART!    (Separate study) 

ISAIAH    (Separate study)

Isaiah the Prophet     (Separate study) 

Ishmael and Isaac    (Separate study) 

Israel's 12 Tribe History    (Separate study)

Israel, God and Images    (Separate study) 

Israel Lo-Ammi (not My people)!     (Separate study)   

"Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

Israel, Prophecy    (Separate study)

Israel's Blindness!     (Separate study)

Israel's Future!     (Separate study)

Israel's Nationhood  (Separate study)

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

Jacob's Relationship with Esau!   (Separate study) 

Israel's Relatives    (Separate study)  

Jacob's Progress!   (Separate study)  

Jehovah WILL Provide!    (Separate study)  

Jericho    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem and 1967    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem Facts    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem Legal Status     (Separate study)

Jerusalem's Eastern Gate    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem's Importance      (Separate study)  

Jesus and Betrayal    (Separate study)  

Jesus and Matt. 24    (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us"!    (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study) 

Jesus' Reference to Bible Books!    (Separate study)  

Jesus speaks only to the Jews!     (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

Job, or Ecclesiastes?     (Separate study)

Joel the Prophet   (Separate study)  

John Chapters 13-15     (Separate study)  

John's Gospel   (Separate study) 

Joseph, son of Jacob   (Separate study)           

JOSEPHUS    (Separate study)  

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study)

Josiah, a Faithful King   (Separate study)

Judgement in Old and New Covenant      (Separate study)

Judgement of Rev. 20   (Separate study)

King David's Tribes    (Separate study) 

King James Bible (KJV) Effect?    (Separate study) 

King Solomon's and King David's Wives     (Separate study)  

Last Days of This Age Time?    (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

LEVI    (Separate study)

Levites (LEVI)     (Separate study)

Levites and the Priesthood in the Old Testament!    (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

Luke's Gospel    (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

MAGOG?    (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Mark of the Beast!     (Separate study) 

Martin Luther, and John Calvin    (Separate study) 

Martin Luther    (Separate study) 

Massacre of the Innocents!    (Separate study) 

Message Rejected?    (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

MOSES    (Separate study)

Moses and Judges     (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 books of the Old Testament     (Separate study)

Moses' Tabernacle, (Ark)!     (Separate study)

Music in Israel   (Separate study)  

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

NAZARETH     (Separate study)

Nephilim and Israelites!    (Separate study)

Nephilim and Noah's Ark    (Separate study) 

Nephilim (size and strength)     (Separate study) 

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

Old Covenant     (Separate study) 

Old Covenant Worship Requirements    (Separate study) 

Old Testament end, New Testament Start!     (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament    (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

Palestinian, Israel, Result   (Separate study)

Passover and Easter     (Separate study)  

Patience and Bible References     (Separate study)  

PAUL and Acts 28!    (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and Romans 6    (Separate study) 

Paul and Thessalonians     (Separate study) 

Paul and the Corinthians    (Separate study) 

Paul and "Unknown God"     (Separate study) 

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus    (Separate study) 

Paul's Teaching on (hair) Covering, in the New Covenant, 1Corinthians     (Separate study)

Peter and The Sheep!   (Separate study)

PHILISTINES    (Separate study)  

Power and Money    (Separate study) 

Praise (To God)     (Separate study) 

Predestination      (Separate study)

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Promised Land!   (Separate study)   

Promised Land in Old Testament    (Separate study) 

Prophecies which are Famous!    (Separate study)

Prophecy Fulfilment!     (Separate study)

PROPHECY: Matthew 24 and Others    (Separate study) 

Protestant Reformation    (Separate study) 

PSALMS!     (Separate study)

Qumran Scrolls     (Separate study)  

RAPTURE!    (Separate study)   

Rapture and Tribulation!      (Separate study)   

Rebirth of Israel!    (Separate study)

Reformation and Rome   (Separate study)

REVELATION       (Separate study)

Revelation and John      (Separate study)

Revelation Chapters    (Separate study)

Revelation from Almighty God!    (Separate study)  

Revelation 6; 4th Horseman     (Separate study)  

Revelation, the Book     (Separate study)  

Sabbath (Jewish) Sunday Christian    (Separate study)   

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation (True) Security    (Separate study)

SANCTIFICATION     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan, (resisting) !    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!    (Separate study) 

Salvation and Teachings   (Separate study)

Salvation (True) Security    (Separate study)

Saul, Samuel and a Demon!      (Separate study)

Scientific Quest to know Origins!     (Separate study)

Scripture Corruption:   (Separate study)

SERPENT   (Separate study)

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Seven (Husbands) and Resurrection!    (Separate study)

Seven years Remaining    (Separate study)

Sincerity of Understanding    (Separate study)

Solomon and the Ark!     (Separate study) 

Submission   (Separate study)

Submission in Marriage and to Christ Jesus     (Separate study)

Supporters Page:   (Translation of the Pshitta, by Victor Alexander)

Sword (Great)    (Separate study)  

TAMERLANE     (Separate study)   

Temple Defilement BC    (Separate study)

Temple in Jerusalem   (Separate study)

Temple Site!    (Separate study)

Temples of Israel    (Separate study)

Ten Horns     (Separate study)

The 10 Commandments    (Separate study)

The 12,000 from each Jewish Tribe!     (Separate study)

The Apocalypse!     (Separate study)

The Bible    (Separate study)

The Bible Books!   (Separate study)  

The Bible's comment regarding Edom and Bozrah    (Separate study) 

The Bibles Preservation by God's Spirit    (Separate study) 

The Book of Daniel   (Separate study)

The Church, and Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study) 

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The LAW!    (Separate study)

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)   

The Psalms    (Separate study)     

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel    (Separate study)

The Reed!   (Separate study)  

The Rejected Message    (Separate study) 

The Search    (Separate study)

The Shepherd and the Sheep    (Separate study) 

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Universal Comforter!   (Separate study)

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

Tower of Babel     (Separate study)

Tribe Variations in the Bible    (Separate study)

TRIBULATION ?     (Separate study)

Veracity of the Bible:   (Separate study)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Who are the Marked 144,000 (Rev. 7)   (Separate study)

WISDOM     (Separate study)

Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

Witnessing and the Comforter!    (Separate study)

Women's Clothing before God!    (Separate study)

World Wide Flood?    (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)

ZECHARIAH 12:10!     (Separate study)   

ZION'S Controversy     (Separate study)   



Alpha and Omega in the Bible    (Separate study) 

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE (The)    (Separate study)

ASCENSION of Christ Jesus  (Separate study)              

Atonement   (Separate study) 

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Bible references of the Messiahship of Jesus Christ   (Separate study)

Birth date of Jesus:   (Separate study)

Blood of the Lamb 12:11 & 7:14.      

Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ:    (Separate study) 

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Creator God!    (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

COMFORTER    (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Deity of Jesus Christ  (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Faith (In Christ Jesus)    (Separate study)

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

Fulfilled Prophecy    (Separate study)

Genealogies of Jesus Christ   (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God Jealous?    (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

Interpretation of Revelation   (Separate study)

Israel, Prophecy    (Separate study)

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jesus and Matt. 24    (Separate study)

Jesus and the Holy Spirit     (Separate study)

Jesus' Ascension   (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us"!    (Separate study)

Jesus and Betrayal    (Separate study)  

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Deity  (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study)

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study) 

Jesus' Reference to Bible Books!    (Separate study)  

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study) 

Jesus' Three Nights and Three Days in the Tomb   (Separate study)     

Josephus: His Ref. to Jesus, "The Wonder Worker":    (Separate study)

Judgement Seat of Christ;  (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study) 

Lamb's Wedding Feast     (Separate study)  

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

Love (Ultimate);   (Separate study)

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Messiah, the Genuine?    (Separate study)

Moses, Jesus and the New Covenant   (Separate study)

NAZARETH     (Separate study)

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament    (Separate study)

Passover and Easter     (Separate study)  

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Pentecost and the Holy Spirit     (Separate study)

Pentecost False Teaching!   (Separate study)

Pharisees and Jesus!   (Separate study) 

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Rock of Ages!     (Separate study)  

Salvation and Acts 28:25-28   (Separate study)         

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!    (Separate study) 

Security in the promise of Salvation in Christ  (Separate study) 

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Spiritual Rebirth in Christ Jesus   (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)         

The Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ:   (Separate study)

The Book of Daniel   (Separate study)

The Bible's comment regarding Edom and Bozrah    (Separate study) 

The Christ Spirit  (Separate study)

The Deity of Jesus Christ   (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

(The intercession of Christ):   (Separate study)

The Jew, the Gentile and Christ   (Separate study)

The Passover  (Separate study)

The Saved!   (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study)

The Shepherd and the Sheep    (Separate study) 

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Virgin Birth of Jesus:  (Separate study)

The Way; The Truth; The Life!  (Separate study)

The Way To Truth   (Separate study)

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"  (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

The Universal Comforter!   (Separate study)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

What the Bible shows re. Hell!    (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)



A Biologists comment on Darwin: (Dr. Jonathan Wells PHD, PHD interviewed.)

A Comment on Evolution   (By Philip Johnson, Professor criminal law, Berkeley, USA.)

Age of the Earth Controversy:  (Separate study)

"Big Bang" Maths   (By Professor Paul Davies) 

Creation / Evolution?    (Separate study)

Creation versus Evolution!     (Separate study)

Darwin quote, Dawkins comments, and others

Did Darwin become a Christian on his deathbed?  (By Malcolm Bowden)

DNA, the tiny code that is toppling Evolution     (By Mario Sieglie.)

Earth Age and the Bible     (Separate study)

Evolution:   (Separate study)

Evolution (man's book), Bible (God's book)!   (Separate study) 

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist  (Separate study)

Nephilim;   (Separate study)

Nephilim, who were they, and why?   (Separate study) 

Old relics ignored by Science:  (By Dr. J.R. Jochmans, Litt. D.) 

Scientific Quest to know Origins!     (Separate study)

Scientists refute Darwin  (Discovery Institute Press Release) 

The Age of the Earth Controversy:   (Separate study) 

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Survival of the Fakest,  (Johnathan Wells PHD)

Velikovski: (Russian Scientist) 



(Angel's) Free-Will

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

A WALK OF FAITH    (The Authors Experience)

A Christian's Security   (Separate study)

A God Focused Woman and Her Purpose   (Separate study)  

Bible Doctrine     (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study) 

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Blood of the Lamb 12:11 & 7:14      

Call of God:   (Separate study)

CALVIN     (Separate study)

Calvin's Debate     (Separate study)

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Church Progression   (Separate study)

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth   (Separate study)

Christian Women     (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Christ (The Intercession of):  (Separate study)

CREATION    (Separate study)

Daniel in Babylon     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Death and the Grave  (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Dispensational Action    (Separate study)

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

Faith and Ruth    (Separate study)

Faith   (Separate study)

FAITH and ABRAHAM    (Separate study)

Faith (In Christ Jesus)    (Separate study)

Faithfulness and The Christian.  (Separate study)

Faithfulness (Fidelity).  (Separate study)

Fear God OR Fear Man  (Separate study)

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

Free-Will Angels     (Separate study) 

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist  (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Favour!    (Separate study)

God's Forgiveness     (Separate study) 

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

God's Word and NASA!   (Separate study)

Hypothetical Hell!   (Separate study)

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

Jericho    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

"Jesus became Sin for Us"!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study)

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

John's Gospel   (Separate study)

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study)

Josiah, a Faithful King   (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study) 

King James Bible (KJV) Effect?    (Separate study) 

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

Lost Salvation  (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Messiah, the Genuine?    (Separate study)

Moses and Meribah!   (Separate study)

NAZARETH     (Separate study)

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

Old and New Testament Link!    (Separate study)

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and Thessalonians     (Separate study) 

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Separate study) 

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Peace on Earth!     (Separate study)

Peter and The Sheep!   (Separate study)

Prophecy in Matthew 24    (Separate study)    

Protestant Reformation    (Separate study) 

R A H A B   (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Rock (The)  (Separate study)

Rock of Ages!     (Separate study)  

Salvation and Acts 28:25-28  (Separate study)

Salvation and Teachings   (Separate study)

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation; can it be lost?  (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Salvation (True) Security    (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study) 

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Security in the promise of Salvation in Christ  (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

The Apocalypse!     (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

The Book of Daniel   (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Heart!    (Separate study)

The Kingdom of God and the 10 Virgins!    (Separate study)

The Saved!   (Separate study)

The Search    (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"  (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

Trust/Faith  (Separate study)

Understanding Scripture :   (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)

Witnessing and the Comforter!    (Separate study)

Witness of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

Women's Clothing before God!    (Separate study)

World Wide Flood?    (Separate study)

Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain   (Separate study)



(Angel's) Free-Will    (Separate study)

Angel Numbers?     (Separate study)

ARK of Jehovah God    (Separate study) 

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study) 

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Blood Sacrifice?   (Separate study)

CALVIN     (Separate study)

Calvin's Debate     (Separate study)

Calvin's Interpretation    (Separate study)

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Civilizations Rise and Fall!   (Separate study)

COMFORTER    (Separate study)

Creation / Evolution?    (Separate study)

Daniel in Babylon     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

David's Free-will     (Separate study)

Death and the Grave  (Separate study)

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

FAITH and ABRAHAM    (Separate study)

Faith and Ruth    (Separate study)

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

Free-Will:  (Separate study)

Free-will and Eternity    (Separate study)

Free-Will Angels

Free-Will (Predestination)  (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Favour!    (Separate study)

God's Plan and Humans   (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

Heart and Mind    (Separate study)  

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

Israel, Failure and Salvation     (Separate study) 

Israel Lost, Israel Saved!   (Separate study)

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us"!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study) 

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

Josiah, a Faithful King   (Separate study)

Judas!    (Separate study) 

King James Bible (KJV) Effect?    (Separate study) 

Lamb's Wedding Feast     (Separate study)  

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament    (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and the Corinthians    (Separate study) 

PAUL'S Blinding     (Separate study)

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Separate study)  

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Peace on Earth!     (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study)

Predestination      (Separate study)

Protestant Reformation    (Separate study) 

Repentance and Salvation   (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Rock of Ages!     (Separate study)  

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God   (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Seven Spirits of God 4:5 (c) 

Spiritual Rebirth in Christ Jesus   (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

The Call of God:   (Separate study)

The Church, and Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

The Elect Calvin onwards;  (Separate study)

The Elect (Rev. 7);  (Separate study)

'The Enemy Within'  (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Heart!    (Separate study)

The legitimate and illegitimate works teaching.   (Separate study)

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)   

The Redeemed, and those not!    (Separate study)

The Saved!   (Separate study)

The Search    (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"  (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

What the Bible shows re. Hell!    (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study) 

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)

WISDOM     (Separate study)

Witnessing and the Comforter!    (Separate study)

Women's Clothing before God!    (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)



Angels   (Separate study) 

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

COMFORTER    (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Gifts!    (Separate study)

Gift or Giver?    (Separate study)

Holy Bible, and Holy Spirit!    (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit in Acts     (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit in Acts, and Now!     (Separate study)  

Honesty before the Holy Spirit    (Separate study) 

Jesus and the Holy Spirit       (Separate study)

Jesus' Reference to Bible Books!    (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

Salvation and Teachings   (Separate study)

Spiritual Rebirth in Christ Jesus   (Separate study)

The Comforter    (Separate study)

The Endowment of Special GIFTS AT PENTECOST, the reason for them, their Cessation and the Consequences of that Cessation   (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Holy Spirit, Christ Spirit and The New Nature   (Separate study)

(The) Holy Spirit (Indwelling of):  (Separate study)

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Christ) in the Individual  (Separate study) 

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Universal Comforter!   (Separate study)

The Word    (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

MONTANISM  1:11(a)

Paul's Malta Shipwreck    (Separate study)

Pentecost and the Holy Spirit     (Separate study)

Pentecost False Teaching!   (Separate study)

Predestination      (Separate study)



Abram and Jacob's Names!     (Separate study)  

Abraham's Son   (Separate study)  

Abraham's Sons    (Separate study)  

A Kingdom of Priests unto God   (Separate study) 

Alexandria Library and the Septuagint    (Separate study)   

ALL ISRAEL!     (Separate study)   

 Alpha and Omega in the Bible    (Separate study) 

Angels   (Separate study) 

Angels / Demons    (Separate study) 

Angels and Seraphs     (Separate study) 

Angels Good and Bad?    (Separate study) 

ANOINTING     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ    (Separate study)

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

Anti - Semitism!    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul's Authenticity!   (Separate study) 

Ark of God Returns    (Separate study)   

ARK of Jehovah God    (Separate study) 

Astrology!   (Separate study)  

Authentic Bible    (Separate study)

A Vow to God?   (Separate study) 

Babylon's Purpose    (Separate study)

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

"Beast" = 666   (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible, Books Removed    (Separate study) 

Bible comments on conflict and violence   (Separate study)   

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Bible Manuscripts    (Separate study)

Bible Origin    (Separate study)

Bible Teaching and Understanding Pre - & Post Acts 28:28   (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

Bible Translations and Examinations     (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Bible Truth Resistance!    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study) 

Blood Sacrifice?   (Separate study)

Book of Enoch, and the Jews!    (Separate study)

Book of ENOCH!    (Separate study)

Bride (The of Christ):   (Separate study) 

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Canaanite Peoples   (Separate study)

Canaanites    (Separate study)

Canaanites History     (Separate study)

Ceremonially Clean!    (Separate study)

Ceremonially Correct    (Separate study) 

Cessation of Sacrifice   (Separate study)

Changes Made To The Old Testament   (Separate study)

Child Sacrifice !!   (Separate study)

Circumcision;    (Separate study)

Crimes in Old Testament?    (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Daniel and Commentaries    (Separate study)

Daniel and Idols!    (Separate study)

Daniel and Revelation    (Separate study)

Daniel 12?   (Separate study)

Daniel's 70th Week Date Position?    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

Daniel in Babylon     (Separate study)

Daniel the Prophet     (Separate study)

Darius the Great!      (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

David and the Tribes of Israel    (Separate study) 

David's Free-will     (Separate study)

DIASPORA     (Separate study)

Doomsday Clock    (Separate study)

Dry Bones; Ezek. 37?    (Separate study)

Edom, Esau and Obadiah    (Separate study)

Egyptian Plagues by God on Egypt !    (Separate study)

EKKLESIA;  (THE 7 CHURCHES)  Rev. Chps. 1,2 & 3

ELIJAH    (Separate study)

"End Age" events affecting Israel, and the world   (Separate study)

ENOCH    (Separate study)

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

ESAU and JACOB.      (Separate study)

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

Exodus Events      (Separate study) 

Ezekiel 35:5    (Separate study) 

Ezekiel 38, and GOG!    (Separate study) 

Ezekiel Temple    (Separate study) 

Fig (The):  (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

Flood of Noah    (Separate study)  

Fourth Beast, Daniel 2 & 7    (Separate study) 

Fulfilled Prophecy    (Separate study)

GEMATRIA     (Separate study)

Gender of Almighty God    (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

God and Pharaoh    (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Dealing with Israel, past and future!   (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Favour!    (Separate study)

God, Jeremiah and Israel   (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Will, re. Moses!   (Separate study)

Hagar and Ishmael     (Separate study)

HAM and CANAAN!    (Separate study)

Hebrew Native Americans    (Separate study) 

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

Herod the Great     (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit in Acts     (Separate study) 

ISAIAH    (Separate study)

Isaiah the Prophet     (Separate study) 

Isaiah's Veracity Confirmed by Jesus!    (Separate study)

Ishmael and Isaac    (Separate study)

Israel's 12 Tribe History    (Separate study)

Israel and Christ Jesus    (Separate study) 

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

Israel and Occupied Land    (Separate study) 

Israel, Palestinian Conflict     (Separate study)

Israel and the Fig!  (Separate study) 

Israel, Failure and Salvation     (Separate study) 

Israel, God and Images    (Separate study)  

Israel Lo-Ammi (not My people)!     (Separate study)    

Israel Lost, Israel Saved!   (Separate study)

"Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

ISRAEL or The PLO?    (Separate study)

Israel, Prophecy    (Separate study)

Israel - Prophecy - The Last Days   (Separate study)

Israel, The Future?  (Separate study) 

Israel's Blindness!     (Separate study)

Israel's Future!     (Separate study) 

Israel's Intellectual and Economic Growth    (Separate study)

Israel's Mineral Wealth    (Separate study)

Israel's Nationhood  (Separate study)

Israel's Power!   (Separate study) 

Israel's Relationship with Almighty God   (Separate study) 

Jacob's Relationship with Esau!   (Separate study) 

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

Israel's Relatives    (Separate study) 

Israel's Tribes!    (Separate study) 

Jacob's and Esau's Birthright!   (Separate study) 

Jacob's Mother     (Separate study) 

Jacob's Rejection   (Separate study) 

Jacob's Trouble    (Separate study) 

Japheth and "The Last Days"   (Separate study) 

Jehovah's dealings with Israel   (Separate study)

Jehovah WILL Provide!    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem   (Separate study)       

Jerusalem and 1967    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem Conflict!   (Separate study)

Jerusalem Facts    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem Legal Status     (Separate study)

Jerusalem's Eastern Gate    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem's Importance      (Separate study)  

Jesus and Betrayal    (Separate study)  

Jesus and Isa. 53   (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study) 

Jesus speaks only to the Jews!     (Separate study) 

Jesus' Teaching and Paul's!    (Separate study) 

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Jesus' Three Nights and Three Days in the Tomb   (Separate study)   

Jewish Believers;   (Messianic Association)

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah!    (Separate study) 

Jewish Scriptures:    (Separate study)

Jewish Scriptures, most revered     (Separate study) 

Jews view of Satan    (Separate study)  

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

Job, or Ecclesiastes?     (Separate study)

Joel the Prophet   (Separate study)    

John's Gospel   (Separate study)

Joseph, son of Jacob   (Separate study)  

JOSEPHUS    (Separate study)   

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study)

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study)

Judah; Israel and Samaria!  (Separate study)

Judas!    (Separate study)

Judgement of Rev. 20   (Separate study)

King David & Psalm 51.htm   (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study) 

King David's Tribes    (Separate study) 

King Solomon's and King David's Wives     (Separate study)  

King Solomon's Ring    (Separate study)  

Kingdom of Priests unto God   (Separate study) 

Kinsman Redeemer   (Separate study) 

Lamb's Wedding Feast     (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

Last Days of This Age Time?    (Separate study)  

L E A H   (Separate study)

LEVI    (Separate study)

Levites (LEVI)   (Separate study)

Levites and the Priesthood in the Old Testament!    (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Man = "Beast" = 666

Mark of the Beast!     (Separate study) 

Massacre of the Innocents!    (Separate study) 

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Message Rejected?    (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Millennium Reign requirements Revelation Chapter 15  (Separate study)

MIRACLES   (Separate study)

MOAB!   (Separate study)

MOSES    (Separate study)

Moses and his sons Circumcision    (Separate study)

Moses and Judges     (Separate study)

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 Books of the Bible!   (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 books of the Old Testament     (Separate study)

Moses and Meribah!   (Separate study)

Moses, Jesus and the New Covenant    (Separate study)

Moses' Tabernacle, (Ark)!     (Separate study)

Music in Israel   (Separate study)  

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

NAZARETH     (Separate study)

Nephilim and Israelites!    (Separate study)

Nephilim and Noah's Ark    (Separate study) 

New Covenant    (Separate study)

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

New Heaven and Earth    (Separate study) 

Noah's Family and Nephilim    (Separate study)

Old Covenant     (Separate study) 

Old Covenant Worship Requirements    (Separate study) 

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament    (Separate study)

Olive (The);   (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

PALESTINIANS    (Separate study)  

Palestinian, Israel, Result   (Separate study)

Passover and Easter     (Separate study)  

Passover   (Separate study)

PAUL and Acts 28!    (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and Thessalonians     (Separate study) 

Paul as a Jew!    (Separate study)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus    (Separate study) 

PAUL'S Blinding     (Separate study)

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Separate study)

Paul's Gentile Action    (Separate study) 

Paul's Teaching on (hair) Covering, in the New Covenant, 1Corinthians     (Separate study)

Paul's Work    (Separate study) 

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28     (Separate study)

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose     (Separate study)

Pentecost and the Holy Spirit     (Separate study)

Pentecost False Teaching!   (Separate study)

Peter and The Sheep!   (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study)

Pharisees and Jesus!   (Separate study)  

PHILISTINES    (Separate study)  

Political Facts Regarding Israel    (Separate study) 

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Promised Land!   (Separate study)

Promised Land in Old Testament    (Separate study)    

Prophecies which are Famous!    (Separate study)

Prophecy Fulfilment!     (Separate study)

PROPHECY: Matthew 24 and Others    (Separate study) 

Rabbi (The Origins of);   (Separate study)

Rabbinic Judaism (Pharisaic Judaism):   (Separate study)

Rebirth of Israel!    (Separate study)

Regulations and Law in Old Covenant to New Covenant!    (Separate study)

Replacement Theology (Spiritual Israel)?   (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Rev. 13, and the First Beast   (Separate study)  

Revelation and the Seals!    (Separate study)

Revelation from Almighty God!    (Separate study)   

Revelation/Prophecy    (Separate study)  

Rod of iron 2:27 (a)(b)

Sabbath (Jewish) Sunday Christian    (Separate study)   

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

SANCTIFICATION     (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Saul, Samuel and a Demon!      (Separate study)

Scribes and Pharisees   (Separate study)

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Seven (Husbands) and Resurrection!    (Separate study)

Seven years Remaining    (Separate study)

Sin and Romans 6:7   (Separate study)

Sincerity of Understanding    (Separate study)

Solomon and the Ark!     (Separate study) 

Solomon's Ruins    (Separate study) 

Sykes  - Picot Agreement    (Separate study)

Tabernacle, Temple, and the Veil Rent!     (Separate study)

Temple Defilement BC    (Separate study)

Temple in Jerusalem   (Separate study)

Temple Site!    (Separate study)

Temples of Israel    (Separate study)

The 10 Commandments    (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

The Bible's comment regarding Edom and Bozrah    (Separate study) 

The Bibles Preservation by God's Spirit    (Separate study) 

The Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ:   (Separate study)

The Concubine and the 12 Tribes    (Separate study)

'The Covenant Hero's'    (Separate study)

The Endowment of Special GIFTS AT PENTECOST, the reason for them, their Cessation and the Consequences of that Cessation   (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Graves that were opened  (Separate study)

The Holy Spirit and Israel    (Separate study)

The Jew's Sinai Wandering     (Separate study)

The Jewish Temple's Purpose and Meaning  (Separate study)

The "Kingdom", and the Jews    (Separate study)

The Kingdom of God and the 10 Virgins!    (Separate study)

The 144'000;   (Separate study)

The LAW!    (Separate study)

The Next Jewish Temple    (Separate study) 

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)    

The Passover  (Separate study)

The Prodigal son (Separate study) 

The position of the Jews in Scripture, Old and New Testaments   (Separate study) 

The Renting of the Veil;   (Separate study)

The Rich Man and Lazarus    (Separate study)

The Rock  (Separate study)

The Scribes and Pharisees   (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Sermon on the Mount   (Separate study)

The Shepherd and the Sheep    (Separate study) 

The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel   (Separate study)

The Three Kings!   (Separate study)

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The True God!    (Separate study)

The two witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11:3-13

The Universal Comforter!   (Separate study)

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

Third Jewish Temple    (Separate study)

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"   (Separate study)

Tower of Babel     (Separate study)

Tree of Life and Satan!     (Separate study)

Tribe Variations in the Bible    (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

Veil  (Renting of );  (Separate study)

Vine (The);   (Separate study)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

West Bank Settlements    (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)  

Why Paul, as the "Chosen Vessel"?    (Separate study)

Who are the Marked 144,000 (Rev. 7)   (Separate study)

Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

Wrong Thinking on Satan.  (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)

ZECHARIAH 12:10!     (Separate study) 

ZION'S Controversy     (Separate study)   

Zion   (Separate study)  

Zion, The Plan    (Separate study)   



(Angel's) Free-Will    (Separate study)

Angel Numbers?     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE!  (Ezekiel 38 and 39)?    (Separate study) 

APOCALYPSE (The)    (Separate study)

Astrology!   (Separate study)  

BABYLON'S FALL   (Separate study)

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

Bible and Revelation     (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

"Beast" = 666 

Book of Life:    (Separate study)

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Daniel and Revelation    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

Death and the Grave      (Separate study)

Demons   (Separate study)

Demon's Fate!     (Separate study)

Earth Burning?    (Separate study)

ELIJAH    (Separate study)

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist   (Separate study)

Free-Will Angels   (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

God's Forgiveness     (Separate study) 

God's Only Begotten Son    (Separate study)

Hell, or not?    (Separate study)  

Hypothetical Hell!   (Separate study)

Israel Lo-Ammi (not My people)!     (Separate study)   

"Israel; My Firstborn son"  (Separate study)

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Judgement in Old and New Covenant      (Separate study)

Judgement Seat of Christ;  (Separate study)

Lake of Fire    (Separate study) 

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

Man = "Beast" = 666     (Separate study) 

Marcion the Heretic!    (Separate study) 

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

Necromancers   (Separate study)

New Heaven and Earth    (Separate study) 

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

PROPHECY: Matthew 24 and Others    (Separate study) 

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Revelation Chapters    (Separate study)

Revelation 6; 4th Horseman     (Separate study)  

Rev. 13, and the First Beast   (Separate study)  

Rev. 13. 10 Horned Beast   (Separate study)  

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Second death; Rev. Chps. 2:11(c) & 20:4-6

Seven Spirits of God; Rev. Chp. 4:5(c)

Sin and Romans 6:7   (Separate study)

The 10 Commandments    (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)  

'The Enemy Within'  (Separate study) 

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)

The Heart!    (Separate study)

The Kingdom of God and the 10 Virgins!    (Separate study)

The Redeemed, and those not!    (Separate study)

The Saved!   (Separate study)  

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

The Wrath of God;   (Separate study)

Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Others   (Separate study)

West Bank Settlements    (Separate study)

What the Bible shows re. Hell!    (Separate study)

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)

Wrong Thinking on Satan.  (Separate study)



Abel's Soul?     (Separate study) 

Abram and Jacob's Names!     (Separate study)  

Abraham's Sons    (Separate study)  

Alexandria Library and the Septuagint    (Separate study)

Alexandrian Library    (Separate study)  

ALL ISRAEL!     (Separate study)   

Alpha and Omega in the Bible    (Separate study) 

Angels   (Separate study) 

Angel and Spirit Guides!   (Separate study) 

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

ARK of Jehovah God    (Separate study) 

Ark of Noah   (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE!  (Ezekiel 38 and 39)?    (Separate study) 

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul's Authenticity!   (Separate study) 

Astrology!   (Separate study)  

Authentic Bible    (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Bible Manuscripts    (Separate study)

Bible Origin    (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study) 

Bible Translations and Examinations     (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Babylon   (Separate study) 

Book of Enoch, and the Jews!    (Separate study)

Book of ENOCH!    (Separate study)

Canaanite Peoples   (Separate study)

Canaanites    (Separate study)

Canaanites History     (Separate study)

Ceremonially Clean!    (Separate study)

Ceremonially Correct    (Separate study) 

Child Sacrifice !!   (Separate study)

Circumcision;  (Separate study)

Crimes in Old Testament?    (Separate study) 

Daniel and Commentaries    (Separate study)

Daniel and Idols!    (Separate study)

Daniel and Revelation    (Separate study)

Daniel 2:35 and 2:45   (Separate study)

Daniel's 70th Week Date Position?    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

Daniel in the Lions Den   (Separate study)

Daniel the Prophet     (Separate study)

Darius the Great!      (Separate study)

Date of Eden!     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study)   

David and the Tribes of Israel    (Separate study) 

DIASPORA     (Separate study)

Dominion over Creation    (Separate study)

Earth Age and the Bible     (Separate study)

Ebenezer   (Separate study)

Edom, Esau and Obadiah    (Separate study)

Egyptian Plagues by God on Egypt !    (Separate study)

ENOCH    (Separate study)

Enoch and Elijah    (Separate study)

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

ESTHER   (Separate study)

Eve and Adam   (Separate study)

Exodus Events      (Separate study) 

Ezekiel 35:5    (Separate study) 

Faith and Ruth    (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

Flood, Global or Local?     (Separate study)  

Flood of Noah    (Separate study)  

Fourth Beast, Daniel 2 & 7     (Separate study) 

GEMATRIA     (Separate study)

Genesis 7:11    (Separate study)

Gender of Almighty God    (Separate study)

Genocide!?     (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

God and Pharaoh    (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Dealing with Israel, past and future!   (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Gentiles Blessing  (Separate study)

God, Jeremiah and Israel   (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

God's Will, re. Moses!   (Separate study)

Hagar and Ishmael     (Separate study)

HAM and CANAAN!    (Separate study)

Hebrew Native Americans    (Separate study) 

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

HUMAN HEART!    (Separate study) 

Isaiah's Veracity Confirmed by Jesus!    (Separate study)

Ishmael and Isaac    (Separate study) 

Israel's 12 Tribe History    (Separate study)

Israel and Christ Jesus   (Separate study) 

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

Israel and the Fig!  (Separate study) 

Israel, God and Images    (Separate study)    

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

ISRAEL or The PLO?    (Separate study)

Israel's Nationhood  (Separate study)

Israel's Power!   (Separate study) 

Israel's Relatives    (Separate study)  

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

Jacob's and Esau's Birthright!    (Separate study)  

Jacob's Progress!   (Separate study)  

Jacob's Relationship with Esau!   (Separate study) 

Jacob's Trouble    (Separate study) 

Japheth and "The Last Days"     (Separate study) 

Jericho    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem and 1967    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem Conflict!   (Separate study)

Jerusalem Facts    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem Legal Status     (Separate study)

Jerusalem's Eastern Gate    (Separate study)  

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah!    (Separate study) 

Jews view of Satan    (Separate study)  

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study) 

Jesus' Teaching and Paul's!    (Separate study) 

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

Job, or Ecclesiastes?     (Separate study)

Joseph, son of Jacob   (Separate study)  

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study)

Josiah, a Faithful King   (Separate study)

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study)

Judges 19 and 20   (Separate study)

Judah; Israel and Samaria!  (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study)

King David's Tribes    (Separate study) 

King Solomon's and King David's Wives     (Separate study)  

King Solomon's Ring    (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

LEVI    (Separate study)

Levites (LEVI)    (Separate study)

Levites and the Priesthood in the Old Testament!    (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God    (Separate study) 

Message Rejected?    (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

MOAB!   (Separate study)

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

MOSES    (Separate study)

Moses and Judges     (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 Books of the Bible!   (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 books of the Old Testament     (Separate study)

Moses and Meribah!   (Separate study)

Moses' Tabernacle, (Ark)!     (Separate study)

Mystery Babylon:   (Separate study)

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

Nazarite Vow;  (Separate study)

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of a Man's Image  (Separate study)

Nephilim;   (Separate study)

Nephilim and Israelites!    (Separate study)

Nephilim and Noah's Ark    (Separate study) 

Nephilim and Large Structures   (Separate study) 

Nephilim (size and strength)     (Separate study) 

Nephilim, who were they, and why:  (Separate study)

New Covenant    (Separate study)

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

Noah and the Cursing of Canaan  (Separate study)

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

Old and New Testament Link!    (Separate study)

Old Covenant     (Separate study) 

Old Covenant Worship Requirements    (Separate study) 

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament   (Separate study)  

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

Passover and Easter     (Separate study)  

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose    (Separate study)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus    (Separate study) 

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study) 

Pharisees and Jesus!   (Separate study)  

PHILISTINES    (Separate study)  

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Priests breast plate   (Separate study)

Promised Land!   (Separate study)   

Promised Land in Old Testament    (Separate study) 

Prophecy Fulfilment!     (Separate study)

Prophecies which are Famous!    (Separate study)

R A H A B   (Separate study)

Rebirth of Israel!    (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

REVELATION       (Separate study)

Revelation from Almighty God!    (Separate study)   

Rod of iron 2:27 (a)(b)

R U T H   (Separate study)

Sabbath (Jewish) Sunday Christian    (Separate study)   

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

SANCTIFICATION     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Saul, Samuel and a Demon!      (Separate study)

Scapegoat   (Separate study)

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Sincerity of Understanding    (Separate study)

Sins of the Fathers:   (Separate study)

Smoke of the Incense   (Separate study)

Solomon    (Separate study)     

Solomon and the Ark!     (Separate study) 

Solomon's Ruins    (Separate study) 

Temple Defilement BC    (Separate study)

Temples of Israel    (Separate study)

Ten Horns     (Separate study)

The 10 Commandments    (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

The Bible's comment regarding Edom and Bozrah    (Separate study) 

The Concubine and the 12 Tribes   (Separate study)

'The Covenant Hero's'    (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The "Kingdom", and the Jews    (Separate study)

The LAW!    (Separate study)

The Lion and the Lamb  (Separate study)

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)   

The Psalms    (Separate study) 

The Scapegoat  (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Seventy Years Babylonian Captivity of Israel:   (Separate study)

The Sins of the Fathers:  (Separate study)

The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel    (Separate study)

The True God!    (Separate study)

The Two Witnesses?    (Separate study)

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

Tower of Babel     (Separate study)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Who are the Marked 144,000 (Rev. 7)   (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study) 

Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

World Wide Flood?    (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)

ZECHARIAH 12:10!     (Separate study)         

ZION'S Controversy     (Separate study)   

Zion, The Plan    (Separate study)   

Zipporah and the Circumcision of Gershom and Eliezer  (Separate study)



Abraham's Son   (Separate study)  

ALL ISRAEL!     (Separate study)   

Alter   (Separate study) 

Alpha and Omega in the Bible    (Separate study) 

America in Prophecy:  (Separate study) 

Angels   (Separate study) 

Angel Numbers?     (Separate study)

ANOINTING     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ    (Separate study)

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ:  Rev.13:8.  (Separate study)

Anti - Semitism!    (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE!  (Ezekiel 38 and 39)?    (Separate study) 

APOCALYPSE (The)    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul's Authenticity!   (Separate study) 

Ark of God Returns    (Separate study)   

ARK of Jehovah God    (Separate study) 

Armageddon    (Separate study)  

Astrology!   (Separate study)  

BABYLON'S FALL   (Separate study)

Babylon's Purpose    (Separate study)

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

"Beast" = 666     (Separate study)

Beasts (The) of Revelation 13   (Separate study) 

Bible and Revelation     (Separate study)

Bible comments on conflict and violence   (Separate study)   

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Doctrine     (Separate study)

Bible Manuscripts    (Separate study)

Bible Teaching and Understanding Pre - & Post Acts 28:28   (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

Bible Truth Resistance!    (Separate study)

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study)

Book of Enoch, and the Jews!    (Separate study)

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Canaanite Peoples    (Separate study)

Canaanites    (Separate study)

Canaanites History     (Separate study)

Ceremonially Correct    (Separate study) 

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth      (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Christ's return for His remnant: (Israel):  (Separate study)

Churches (7) of Revelation, means 7 Ecclesia!   (Separate study)  

Commune-ism!    (Separate study)

Confederation of 10 Nations   (Separate study)

Creator God!    (Separate study)

DANIEL    (Separate study)

Daniel and Commentaries    (Separate study)

Daniel and Idols!    (Separate study)

Daniel and Revelation    (Separate study)

Daniel 2:35 and 2:45  (Separate study)

Daniel 12:4     (Separate study)

Daniel's 70th Week Date Position?    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

Daniel in Babylon     (Separate study)

Daniel the Prophet     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Demons   (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Demon's Fate!     (Separate study)

DIASPORA     (Separate study)

Disease versus Perfection    (Separate study)

Doomsday Clock    (Separate study)

Dry Bones; Ezek. 37?    (Separate study)

Earth Burning?    (Separate study)

Ecumenical (The) Movement and the Bible:  (Separate study)

Ecumenical Movement   Revelation 2:2a

Edom/Jorden    (Separate study)

Edom, Esau and Obadiah    (Separate study)

ELIJAH    (Separate study)

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

End Age Events   (Separate study)

"End Age" events affecting Israel, and the world    (Separate study)

ENOCH    (Separate study)

Enoch & Elijah, or, Moses & Elijah    (Separate study) 

Enoch "Taken"!     (Separate study) 

ESAU and JACOB.      (Separate study)

ESCHATOLOGY   (Separate study)

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

Evil, Resisting!    (Separate study)

Ezekiel 35:5    (Separate study) 

Ezekiel 38, and GOG!    (Separate study)

Ezekiel Temple    (Separate study) 

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

Favourite Bible Verses    (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

Fourth Beast, Daniel 2 & 7     (Separate study) 

Free-will and Eternity    (Separate study) 

Fulfilled Prophecy    (Separate study)

God and Pharaoh    (Separate study)

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Dealing with Israel, past and future!   (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Gentiles Blessing   (Separate study)

God's Kingdom!     (Separate study)

God, Jeremiah and Israel   (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Plan and Humans   (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

God's Will, re. Moses!   (Separate study)

Gog and Magog   (Separate study)

HAM and CANAAN!    (Separate study)

Harlot (The):  (Separate study)

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

Herod the Great     (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit and Israel    (Separate study)

Hypothetical Hell!   (Separate study)

Interpretation of Revelation   (Separate study)

ISAIAH    (Separate study)

Isaiah the Prophet     (Separate study) 

Ishmael and Isaac    (Separate study) 

Israel's 12 Tribe History    (Separate study)

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

Israel and Occupied Land    (Separate study) 

Israel and the Fig!  (Separate study) 

"Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

ISRAEL or The PLO?    (Separate study)

Israel, Palestinian Conflict     (Separate study)

Israel, Prophecy    (Separate study)

Israel's Future!     (Separate study) 

Israel's Intellectual and Economic Growth    (Separate study)

Israel's Mineral Wealth    (Separate study)

Israel's Nationhood  (Separate study)

Israel's Power!   (Separate study) 

Israel's Relationship with Almighty God   (Separate study) 

Israel's Relatives    (Separate study)  

Israel's Reluctance to Serve and Obey God!    (Separate study)

Israel's Tribes!    (Separate study)

Israel, The Future?  (Separate study) 

Jacob's Mother     (Separate study) 

Jacob's Relationship with Esau!   (Separate study) 

Jacob's Trouble    (Separate study) 

Japheth and "The Last Days"     (Separate study) 

Jerusalem and 1967    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jerusalem Conflict!   (Separate study)

Jerusalem Facts    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem's Eastern Gate    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem's Importance      (Separate study)  

Jesus and Betrayal    (Separate study)  

Jesus and Isa. 53    (Separate study)

Jesus and Matt. 24    (Separate study)

Jesus and the Kingdom    (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us”!    (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study)

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study)

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah!    (Separate study) 

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Jesus' Three Nights and Three Days in the Tomb  (Separate study) 

Joel the Prophet   (Separate study)     

John's Gospel   (Separate study)

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study)

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study)

Judah; Israel and Samaria!  (Separate study)

Judas!    (Separate study)

Judgement in Old and New Covenant      (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study)

Kingdom Age;   (Separate study)

King David's Tribes    (Separate study) 

King Solomon's and King David's Wives     (Separate study)  

Lake of Fire    (Separate study) 

Last Days of This Age Time?    (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

Levites (LEVI)    (Separate study)

Life Spans!    (Separate study)

Lion and Lamb (The):   (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

MAGOG?    (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Man = "Beast" = 666

Mark of the Beast!     (Separate study) 

Mark of the beast (The):   (Separate study) 

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Massacre of the Innocents!    (Separate study) 

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Message Rejected?    (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Kingdom (Millennial)    (Separate study)

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Millennial Purpose   (Separate study)

Millennium Reign Requirements Revelation Chapter 15  (Separate study)

MOAB!   (Separate study)

MOSES    (Separate study)

Moses and Judges     (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 books of the Old Testament     (Separate study)

Moses, Jesus and the New Covenant    (Separate study)

Moses' Tabernacle, (Ark)!     (Separate study)

Mystery Babylon:   (Separate study)

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of a Man's Image  (Separate study)

Necromancers   (Separate study)

Nephilim and Noah's Ark    (Separate study) 

New Covenant    (Separate study)

New Covenant and Passover     (Separate study)

New Heaven and Earth    (Separate study) 

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

Old and New Testament Link!    (Separate study)

Old Covenant     (Separate study) 

Old Covenant Worship Requirements    (Separate study) 

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study)

Old Testament verses relative to New Testament   (Separate study)  

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

Palestinian, Israel, Result   (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and Thessalonians     (Separate study) 

Paul's Malta Shipwreck    (Separate study)

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28     (Separate study)

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!    (Separate study)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus    (Separate study) 

People slain in the Tribulation   (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God   (Separate study)

Prayer in the Tribulation   (Separate study)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose      (Separate study)

Pharisees and Jesus!   (Separate study)  

Power and Money    (Separate study) 

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Promised Land!   (Separate study)   

Promised Land in Old Testament    (Separate study) 

Prophecies which are Famous!    (Separate study)

Prophecy Confliction  (Separate study)

Prophecy and Prophets;  (Separate study)

Prophecy in Matthew 24    (Separate study)   

PROPHECY: Matthew 24 and Others    (Separate study) 

Prophetic Visions?    (Separate study)

Prophets, Prophetesses, Shepherds and Teachers  (Separate study)

PSALMS!     (Separate study)

Rainbow    (Separate study) 

RAPTURE!    (Separate study)   

Rapture and Tribulation!      (Separate study) 

RAPTURE (THE) of Christians and Overcomers    (Separate study)

Rebirth of Israel!    (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

REVELATION       (Separate study)

Revelation and John      (Separate study)

Revelation and the Seals!    (Separate study)

Revelation from Almighty God!    (Separate study)   

Revelation 6; 4th Horseman     (Separate study)  

Revelation, the Book     (Separate study)  

Rev. 13, and the First Beast   (Separate study)  

Rev. 13. 10 Horned Beast   (Separate study)  

Rod of iron 2:27 (a)(b)

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God   (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study) 

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Seven (Husbands) and Resurrection!    (Separate study)

Seven years Remaining    (Separate study) 

Sheep and Goat Judgement  (Separate study)

Smoke of the Incense   (Separate study)

Solomon and the Ark!     (Separate study) 

Sonship in the New Testament:  (Separate study)

Submission in Marriage and to Christ Jesus     (Separate study)

Sword (Great)    (Separate study)  

Tabernacle, Temple, and the Veil Rent!    (Separate study)

TAMERLANE     (Separate study)   

Temple Defilement BC    (Separate study)

Temple in Jerusalem   (Separate study)

Temple Site!    (Separate study)

Temples of Israel    (Separate study)

Ten Horns     (Separate study)

The Apocalypse!     (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

Ten Toes of Daniel 2:42   (Separate study)

The Anti-Christ:   (Separate study)

The Beasts of Revelation 13   (Separate study)

The Bibles Preservation by God's Spirit    (Separate study) 

The Book of Daniel   (Separate study)

The Book of Life: (Separate study) 

The Bride of Christ:    (Separate study)

The City of the Great King  (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Great River Euphrates: Rev. 9:14-16    (Separate study)

The Great Tribulation (Separate study)

The 144'000;   (Separate study)

The Jew's Sinai Wandering     (Separate study)

The Jew, the Gentile and Christ     (Separate study)

The Kingdom Age:   (Separate study)  

The "Kingdom", and the Jews    (Separate study)

The LAW!    (Separate study)

The legitimate and illegitimate works teaching.   (Separate study)

The Lie (Rev. 14:5);   (Separate study)  

The Lion and the Lamb:   (Separate study)

The Lord's Prayer and "Sin"?   (Separate study)

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)   

The "Prophetic Area" and its Significance!    (Separate study) 

The Promised Land  (Separate study) 

The RAPTURE   (Separate study)

The Rapture and the Kingdom (Millennial)    (Separate study)

The Redeemed, and those not!    (Separate study)

The Reed!   (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Sheep and Goat Judgement   (Separate study)

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Two Witnesses?    (Separate study)

The two witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11:3-13

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

Third Jewish Temple    (Separate study)

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"  (Separate study)

Tree of Life and Satan!     (Separate study)

Tribe Variations in the Bible    (Separate study)

TRIBULATION ?     (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

West Bank Settlements    (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

What the Bible shows re. Hell!    (Separate study)

White Robes  (Separate study)  

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)  

Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

World Population    (Separate study)

World Population Reduction   (Separate study)  

World State!    (Separate study)

Wrath of God;   (Separate study) 

Wrong Thinking on Satan.  (Separate study)

Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah   (Separate study)

ZECHARIAH 12:10!     (Separate study)   

ZION'S Controversy     (Separate study)       

Zion   (Separate study)  

Zion, The Plan    (Separate study) 




Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Christadelphians:    (Separate study)

Marcion the Heretic!    (Separate study) 

Messiah, the Genuine?    (Separate study)

MONTANISM  1:11(a)

"New Age" Religion:   (Separate study)

Organisations that deny the Deity of Christ Jesus.  (Separate study)

The Endowment of Special GIFTS AT PENTECOST, the reason for them, their Cessation and the Consequences of that Cessation  (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Others    (Separate study) 

Quaking Like Quakers



Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study) 

Elijah's Faith in God!     (Separate study)

RAPTURE!    (Separate study)   

Rapture and Tribulation!      (Separate study) 

RAPTURE (The)   (Separate study)

RAPTURE (THE) of Christians and Overcomers  (Separate study)

Rapture (The) Those Taken and Those Not.  (Separate study) 

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Saved!    (Separate study)

The Rapture and the Kingdom (Millennial)    (Separate study)

THE RAPTURE of Christians and Overcomers  (Separate study)  

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"  (Separate study)   



Acts 4:12 and Acts 28:25-28   (Separate study) 

Bible and Revelation     (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Blood Sacrifice?   (Separate study)

CALVIN     (Separate study)

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Children of Light   (Separate study)

Church Progression   (Separate study)

Christ Jesus' Agony in Gethsemane  (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth     (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Death and the Grave  (Separate study)

End Age Events   (Separate study)

FAITH and ABRAHAM    (Separate study)

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

God Jealous?    (Separate study)

God's Forgiveness     (Separate study) 

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

Holy Spirit in Acts, and Now!    (Separate study) 

Hypothetical Hell!   (Separate study)

Isaiah the Prophet     (Separate study) 

Israel Lost, Israel Saved!   (Separate study)

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us”!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Judgement in Old and New Covenant      (Separate study)

Judgement of Rev. 20   (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study)

King James Bible (KJV) Effect?    (Separate study) 

Lamb's Wedding Feast     (Separate study)  

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

LUTHER The Reformer     (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study)

Messiah, the Genuine?    (Separate study)

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study) 

Passover and Easter     (Separate study)  

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and "Unknown God"     (Separate study) 

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Separate study)  

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28     (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study) 

Predestination      (Separate study)

Prophecy in Matthew 24    (Separate study)   

Reformation and Rome   (Separate study)

Repentance and Salvation   (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Rock of Ages!     (Separate study)  

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation and Teachings   (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation (True) Security    (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study) 

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

The Apocalypse!     (Separate study)

The Church, and Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Heart!    (Separate study)

The Kingdom of God and the 10 Virgins!    (Separate study)

The Redeemed, and those not!    (Separate study)

The Saved!    (Separate study)

The Search    (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Shepherd and the Sheep    (Separate study) 

The Three Kings!   (Separate study)

"Today, you will be with Me in Paradise"   (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study) 

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)



Angels / Demons    (Separate study) 

Angels and Demons!   (Separate study)

Angel and Spirit Guides!   (Separate study) 

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

BABYLON'S FALL   (Separate study)

Babylon's Purpose    (Separate study)

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

BALAAM  2:14

"Beast" = 666     (Separate study)

Beast (another) Chp. 13 vs. 11,13,14, & 15

Blood Sacrifice?   (Separate study)

Ceremonially Clean!    (Separate study)

Ceremonially Correct    (Separate study) 

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth     (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Creator God!    (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Death and Illness    (Separate study)

Death and the Grave (Separate study)

Demonic Possession?    (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Demon Resistance!    (Separate study)

Demon's Fate!     (Separate study)

Evil, Resisting!    (Separate study)

Father of Lies,  John 8:44  (Separate study)

Fallen Angels   (Separate study) 

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist    (Separate study)

GIANTS     (Separate study)

God Jealous?    (Separate study)

Jews view of Satan    (Separate study)  

Jesus' Three Nights and Three Days in the Tomb  (Separate study)

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study)

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study)

Judas!    (Separate study)

King Solomon's Ring    (Separate study)  

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

Lie (the Rev. 14:5);    (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

Mark of the Beast!     (Separate study) 

Man = "Beast" = 666   (Separate study) 

Marcion the Heretic!    (Separate study) 

MONTANISM  1:11(a)

Names of Satan     (Separate study)   

Nephilim and Large Structures   (Separate study) 

Nephilim (size and strength)     (Separate study) 

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God   (Separate study)

Prophecy Fulfilment!     (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Rev. 13, and the First Beast   (Separate study)  

Rev. 13. 10 Horned Beast   (Separate study)  

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan and The Flood    (Separate study)

Satan Angels; Rev. Chps. 12:4(a), 7, 9,12(a)(c) & 13:17(c)

Satan Banishment; Rev. Chp. 12:9(a) & 12:12(c)

Satan Bound; Rev. Chp. 20:2 (a) (c) & (d).

Satan Cast Down; Rev. Chps. 12:9(a) & 12:12(a) & (c) & 13:6(a)

Satan, (resisting) !    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)  

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study)

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Satan's Followers!    (Separate study)

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Satan's Motivation:   (Separate study)

Satan's Origins;  (Separate study)

Satan's People:  (Separate study)

Satan's Portrayal   (Separate study)

Satan's Purpose (extracts from    (Separate study) 

Satanic Worship; Rev. Chp. 13:8(a)

Saul, Samuel and a Demon!      (Separate study) 

Scientific Quest to know Origins!     (Separate study)

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Seven Spirits of God 4:5 (c)

Spirit Possession!    (Separate study)

Spiritual Warfare:   (Separate study)

Sufferings Origin    (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel   (Separate study)

The Ecumenical Movement and the Bible:   (Separate study)

'The Enemy Within'   (Separate study) 

The Father of Lies, John 8:44    (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma     (Separate study)  

The RAPTURE   (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

Tree of Life and Satan!     (Separate study)

Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Others   (Separate study)

Was Satan Bound at the Cross of Calvary?    (Separate study)

What the Bible shows re. Hell!    (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)  

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)

World Population    (Separate study)

Worship of Satan   (Separate study)  

Wrong Thinking on Satan.  (Separate study)



Alexandria Library and the Septuagint    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Approaching and Understanding Scripture The Bible  (Separate study) 

Authentic Bible    (Separate study)

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Bible Age and Progression    (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible, Books Removed    (Separate study) 

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Manuscripts    (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

BIBLE Translations     (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

Bible Truth Resistance!    (Separate study)

Books to Help Bible Study   (Separate study)   

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth  (Separate study) 

Church and State!    (Separate study)

Churches (7) of Revelation, means 7 Ecclesia!   (Separate study)  

Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

CREATION    (Separate study)

Daniel 12?   (Separate study)

Fulfilled Prophecy    (Separate study)

Gender of Almighty God    (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

HUMAN HEART!    (Separate study) 

Isaiah's Veracity Confirmed by Jesus!    (Separate study)

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Reference to Bible Books!    (Separate study)  

Jesus speaks only to the Jews!     (Separate study)   

Jewish Messiah!    (Separate study) 

Job, or Ecclesiastes?     (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study)

Luke's Gospel    (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Martin Luther, and John Calvin   (Separate study) 

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Old Testament end, New Testament Start!     (Separate study)

PAUL and Acts 28!    (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus    (Separate study) 

Prophetic Visions?    (Separate study)

Qumran Scrolls     (Separate study)  

Regulations and Law in Old Covenant to New Covenant!    (Separate study)

Revelation Chapters    (Separate study)

Revelation, the Book     (Separate study)  

Seven years Remaining    (Separate study)

The Bible Books!   (Separate study)  

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Psalms    (Separate study)                

The Two Witnesses?    (Separate study)

Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Others    (Separate study)

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study) 



(Angel's) Free-Will     (Separate study)

Babylon the Whore    (Separate study)

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study)

Blasphemy (man's)  14:1(c) & 16:21(b)

Child Sacrifice !!   (Separate study)

Christ Jesus' Agony in Gethsemane  (Separate study)

Civilizations Rise and Fall!   (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Death and the Grave (Separate study)

Fallen Angels   (Separate study) 

Free-Will Angels   (Separate study)  

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

Hypothetical Hell!   (Separate study)

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"   (Separate study)

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

King Solomon's Ring    (Separate study)  

Lazarus Raised!   (Separate study)

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

Nephilim Origin!    (Separate study)

PAGAN SACRIFICES!   (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study)

Resurrection   (Separate study)

Salvation and Teachings   (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study) 

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Saul's / Paul's Conversion     (Separate study)

Sin and Romans 6:7   (Separate study)

Sufferings Origin    (Separate study)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Lord's Prayer and "Sin"?   (Separate study)

The Redeemed, and those not!    (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Understanding of Sin   (Separate study) 

TRIBULATION ?     (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study) 

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)



Abel's Soul?     (Separate study)  

Abram and Jacob's Names!     (Separate study)  

Abraham's Son   (Separate study)  

Alpha Courses    (Separate study) 

Amillennialism    (Separate study) 

Angels   (Separate study) 

Angels and Demons!   (Separate study)

(Angel's) Free-Will

Angels, Invisible?    (Separate study)

Angel Numbers?     (Separate study)

Anti-Christ    (Separate study)

Anti-Christ, 666     (Separate study)

APOCALYPSE!  (Ezekiel 38 and 39)?    (Separate study) 

Apostles and Prophets     (Separate study) 

Apostle Paul, and Old and New Testament    (Separate study)

Apostle Paul's Accusers  (Separate study)  

Apostle Paul's Authenticity!   (Separate study) 

Arianism:    (Separate study) 

Authentic Bible    (Separate study)

Baptism:   (Separate study) 

“Baptised for the dead"  1Cor. 15:29  (Separate study) 

Bible Accuracy     (Separate study) 

Bible and Revelation     (Separate study)

Bible Authenticity    (Separate study)

Bible, Books Removed    (Separate study) 

Bible cannot be understood unless  13:18 

Bible comments on conflict and violence   (Separate study)   

Biblical 7 and 70 Significance   (Separate study)

Biblical Truth denied by Roman Church;   (Times report 5/10/05)

Bible Dispensations   (Separate study)

Bible Doctrine     (Separate study)

Bible Junctures and Dispensations    (Separate study)

Bible Misunderstanding    (Separate study)   

Bible Teaching and Understanding Pre - & Post Acts 28:28   (Separate study)

Bible Teaching Confused!   (Separate study) 

Bible versus Human Record    (Separate study) 

Biblical Flaws?    (Separate study)

BIBLE TRUTH    (Separate study)

BLASPHEMY  (Separate study) 

Blasphemy (man's)  14:1(c) & 16:21(b)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit:   (Separate study) 

Blood of the Lamb 12:11 & 7:14 

Book of ENOCH!    (Separate study)

Book of Life, from the foundation of the world,  Chps. 3,13,17,20,21 & 22

Book of the Dead! ?    (Separate study)

Books to Help Bible Study   (Separate study)  

CALVIN     (Separate study)

Calvin's Debate     (Separate study)

Calvin's Interpretation    (Separate study) 

Calvin Teaching     (Separate study)

Calvinist "Works" Teaching  (Separate study) 

Ceremonially Clean!    (Separate study)

Ceremonially Correct    (Separate study) 

Cessation of Sacrifice   (Separate study)

Changes Made To The Old Testament   (Separate study) 

Charismatic Teachings:  (Separate study)  

Christadelphians:   (Separate study) 

Christian Religion as opposed to Truth    (Separate study)

Christian's Actions, The Bema, Dispensations and Covenants    (Separate study)

Christ Jesus, "The Rock"    (Separate study)

Church and State!    (Separate study)

Churches (7) of Revelation, means 7 Ecclesia!   (Separate study)  

Church Progression   (Separate study)

Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

Continental Drift    (Separate study)

Creation / Evolution?    (Separate study)

Creation versus Evolution!     (Separate study)

Creator God!    (Separate study)

Cremation or Burial    (Separate study)

Crimes in Old Testament?    (Separate study)

DANIEL    (Separate study)

Daniel and Commentaries    (Separate study)

Daniel and Idols!    (Separate study)

Daniel's Book     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

Death and Illness    (Separate study)

Death and the Grave  (Separate study)

Demonic Possession?    (Separate study)

Demonic Possession and Release!     (Separate study)

Demons   (Separate study)

Did God create Evil?   (Separate study) 

Disease versus Perfection    (Separate study)

Dispensational Action    (Separate study)

Dominion over Creation    (Separate study)

Dr. David Ginsburg:  (Hebrew scholar, Jewish academic, Jewish language scholar for the British Library, and Museum.)

Dr. E. W. Bullinger  (Hebrew and Greek scholar, author Companion Bible)

Dry Bones; Ezek. 37?    (Separate study)

Earth Age and the Bible     (Separate study)

Ecumenical (The) Movement and the Bible:   (Separate study) 

Ecumenical Movement   Revelation 2:2a 

Eden and The "Apple"?    (Separate study)

Egyptian Plagues by God on Egypt !    (Separate study)

EKKLESIA;  (THE 7 CHURCHES)  Rev. Chps. 1,2 & 3 

Elect Calvin onwards;   (Separate study) 

End Age Events   (Separate study)

ENOCH    (Separate study)

Eternal Soul Myth  (Separate study) 

Evolution (man's book), Bible (God's book)!   (Separate study) 

Exodus Events      (Separate study) 

Extreme Calvinism Teachings:   (Separate study) 

Ezekiel 35:5    (Separate study) 

Faith and Ruth    (Separate study)

Faith (In Christ Jesus)    (Separate study)

Fasting Today:   (Separate study) 

Favourite Bible Verses    (Separate study)

Finding Truth!   (Separate study)

Flood and Gilgamesh     (Separate study)

Flood, Global or Local?     (Separate study)  

Flood of Noah    (Separate study)  

Forbidding of meats:  (Separate study) 

For the Atheist and the Evolutionist   (Separate study) 

Fourth Beast, Daniel 2 & 7     (Separate study) 

Free-will and Eternity    (Separate study) 

Free-Will Angels

Gathering of Christians and Holding Possessions in Common  (Separate study) 

Gathering Together of Like Minded People (Christians and others)  (Separate study) 

GEMATRIA     (Separate study)

Gender of Almighty God    (Separate study)

Genocide!?     (Separate study)

Gifts!    (Separate study)

GIFTS AT PENTECOST  (Separate study) 

Gift or Giver?    (Separate study)

God's Faithfulness     (Separate study)

God's Favour!    (Separate study)

God's Forgiveness     (Separate study) 

God's Kingdom!     (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son     (Separate study)

God's Reconciliation    (Separate study)

God's Will, re. Moses!   (Separate study)

God and gods   (Separate study) 

Graves that were opened  (Separate study) 

Grieving the Holy Spirit   (Separate study) 

Hagar and Ishmael     (Separate study)

Heart and Mind    (Separate study)  

HEBREWS!     (Separate study) 

Hell;   (Separate study) 

Hell, or not?    (Separate study)  

Hell's Punishment?  (Separate study) 

Holy Spirit Christ Spirit and The New Nature  (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit in Acts     (Separate study)  

Holy Spirit in Acts, and Now!    (Separate study) 

Holy Spirit (The indwelling):  (Separate study) 

Honesty before the Holy Spirit    (Separate study) 

ISAIAH    (Separate study)

Isaiah the Prophet     (Separate study) 

Ishmael and Isaac    (Separate study) 

Is Our Freewill Of Value Or Is Everything Predestined?   (Separate study) 

Israel and Deuteronomy 28     (Separate study) 

Israel and the Fig!  (Separate study) 

Israel, God and Images    (Separate study)    

 "Israel; My Firstborn son"  (Separate study) 

Israel's Blindness!     (Separate study)

Israel's Relationship with Almighty God   (Separate study) 

Jacob's and Esau's Birthright!    (Separate study)  

Jericho    (Separate study)  

Jerusalem and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Jesus and Isa. 53   (Separate study)

Jesus and Matt. 24    (Separate study)

"Jesus became Sin for Us”!    (Separate study)

Jesus Christ's Death!    (Separate study)

Jesus' Death     (Separate study) 

Jesus' Genealogies!    (Separate study) 

Jesus in Gethsemane   (Separate study) 

Jesus speaks only to the Jews!     (Separate study)   

Jesus, The Faithful  Head of the "New Man" (His Body)   (Separate study)  

Jesus' Three Nights and Three Days in the Tomb  (Separate study)   

Jewish Messiah and Israel     (Separate study) 

Jewish Messiah!    (Separate study)  

Job and Elihu    (Separate study)

John Chapters 13-15     (Separate study)  

Joseph, son of Jacob   (Separate study)  

Joshua and the Sun!     (Separate study) 

Josiah, a Faithful King   (Separate study)

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study) 

Judah; Israel and Samaria!  (Separate study)

Judgement in Old and New Covenant      (Separate study)

King David's Descendants    (Separate study)

King James Bible (KJV) Effect?    (Separate study) 

King Solomon's and King David's Wives     (Separate study)  

Knowing What The Unforgivable Sin Is, And Why It Is Important   (Separate study) 

Lake of Fire    (Separate study) 

Lamb's Wedding Feast     (Separate study)  

Last Days of This Age Time?    (Separate study)  

Law of Moses, etc.    (Separate study)  

Lazarus And The Rich Man   (Separate study) 

Leaven in Scripture    (Separate study) 

LEVI    (Separate study)

Levites and the Priesthood in the Old Testament!    (Separate study)

Life Spans!    (Separate study)

LUCIFER!  (Separate study)

Lucifer and Pride!    (Separate study)

Luke's Gospel    (Separate study)

MAGOG?    (Separate study)

MALACHI    (Separate study)

Marcion the Heretic!    (Separate study) 

Massacre of the Innocents!    (Separate study) 

Martin Luther, and John Calvin   (Separate study) 

Martin Luther    (Separate study)

Melchisedec and the Lamb of God  (Separate study) 

Messiah and the Jews     (Separate study) 

Messiah Genetic Line    (Separate study)

Messiah, the Genuine?    (Separate study)

MONTANISM  1:11(a)

Moses and Judges     (Separate study)

Moses and the "Burning Bush"    (Separate study)

Moses and the first 5 books of the Old Testament     (Separate study)

Moses, Jesus and the New Covenant    (Separate study)

NAZARETH     (Separate study)

Nephilim and Large Structures   (Separate study) 

Nephilim (size and strength)     (Separate study) 

"New Age" Religion:  (Separate study) 

New Covenant    (Separate study)

New Heaven and Earth    (Separate study) 

Noah and saved people!    (Separate study)

Noah's Family and Nephilim    (Separate study)

Old and New Testament Link!    (Separate study)

Old Covenant Worship Requirements    (Separate study) 

Old Testament end, New Testament Start!     (Separate study)

Old Testament Salvation   (Separate study)

One Thousand Year Reign!    (Separate study)

Organisations that deny the Deity of Christ Jesus.  (Separate study) 

Out calling / High calling;  (Separate study)  

Pangea?    (Separate study)    

Patience and Bible References     (Separate study)  

PAUL and Acts 28!    (Separate study)

Paul and Israel!    (Separate study) 

Paul and Romans 6    (Separate study) 

Paul and the Corinthians    (Separate study) 

Paul and Thessalonians     (Separate study) 

Paul and "Unknown God"     (Separate study) 

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28     (Separate study)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose      (Separate study)

PAUL'S Blinding     (Separate study)

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Separate study)

Paul's Gentile Action    (Separate study)

Paul's Teaching on (hair) Covering, in the New Covenant, 1Corinthians     (Separate study)

Paul's "thorn in the flesh"  (Separate study)  

Paul's Work    (Separate study) 

Peace on Earth!     (Separate study)

Pentecost and the Holy Spirit     (Separate study)

Pentecost False Teaching!   (Separate study)

Peter and The Sheep!   (Separate study)

Pharaoh & Jehovah God  (Separate study) 

Pharisees and Jesus!   (Separate study)  

Power and Money    (Separate study) 

Praise (To God)     (Separate study) 

Predestination      (Separate study)

Priesthood and Jesus     (Separate study)

Promised Land in Old Testament    (Separate study) 

Proof of the Trinity in the Old Testament   (Compiled by Pat Miron)  

Prophecy Fulfilment!     (Separate study)

PROPHECY: Matthew 24 and Others    (Separate study)  

Prophetic Visions?    (Separate study)

PSALMS!     (Separate study)

Qumran Scrolls     (Separate study)  

RAPTURE!    (Separate study)   

Rapture and Tribulation!      (Separate study) 

Rebirth of Israel!    (Separate study)

Refining of the Individual:   (Separate study)  

Reformation and Rome   (Separate study)

Regulations and Law in Old Covenant to New Covenant!    (Separate study)

Replacement Theology (Spiritual Israel)?   (Separate study)  

Resurrection   (Separate study)

REVELATION       (Separate study)

Revelation and John      (Separate study)

Revelation and the Seals!    (Separate study)

Revelation Chapters    (Separate study)

Revelation from Almighty God!    (Separate study) 

Revelation 6; 4th Horseman     (Separate study)  

Revelation, the Book     (Separate study)   

Revelation 21:1    (Separate study)  

Rev. 13. 10 Horned Beast   (Separate study)  

Rock of Ages!     (Separate study)  

Roman Catholic Church Teaching is not of God Almighty:   (Separate study) 

Roman Church, State    (Separate study)  

Sabbath (Jewish) Sunday Christian    (Separate study)   

Salvation and Satan     (Separate study)

Salvation (God's) V. Self Justification (Man's)!     (Separate study)

Salvation in Christ     (Separate study)

Salvation (True) Security    (Separate study)

SANCTIFICATION     (Separate study)

Satan, and Evil!    (Separate study)

Satan, (resisting) !    (Separate study)

Satan's and his angels Judgement!    (Separate study)

Satan's Contest with God  (Separate study) 

Satan's Demise!   (Separate study)  

Satan's Followers!    (Separate study)

Salt in Old and New Covenants;  (Separate study) 

Salvation; can it be lost?  (Separate study) 

Satanic SPIRITUAL Strongholds!  (Separate study)  

Scribes and Pharisees   (Separate study) 

SERPENT   (Separate study)

Serpent in Eden    (Separate study)

Serpent, Jews and Sin     (Separate study)

Seven (Husbands) and Resurrection!    (Separate study)

Seven years Remaining    (Separate study)

Sin and Romans 6:7   (Separate study)

Second death; Rev. Chps. 2:11(c) & 20:4-6

Seven Husbands    (Separate study) 

Sincerity of Understanding    (Separate study)

Sin (Understanding of );  (Separate study) 

Sonship in the New Testament:  (Separate study) 

Soul and Spirit, The Error:  (Separate study) 

Spiritual Rebirth in Christ Jesus   (Separate study)

Submission in Marriage and to Christ Jesus     (Separate study)

Sufferings Origin    (Separate study)

Sword (Great)    (Separate study)  

Tabernacle, Temple, and the Veil Rent!    (Separate study)

TAMERLANE     (Separate study)   

'Tares' in the Bible    (Separate study)

Temples of Israel    (Separate study)

Ten Horns     (Separate study)

The 10 Commandments    (Separate study)

The Apocalypse!     (Separate study)

The 490 years Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel  (Separate study)  

The Bible    (Separate study) 

The Bible Books!   (Separate study)  

The Book of Life:  (Separate study) 

The Bride of Christ:   (Separate study) 

The Church, and Conflicting Teachings    (Separate study)

'The Covenant Hero's'    (Separate study)

The Ecumenical Movement and the Bible:   (Separate study) 

The Elect Calvin onwards;  (Separate study) 

The Elect (Rev.7);   (Separate study) 

The Endowment of Special GIFTS AT PENTECOST, the reason for them, their Cessation and the Consequences of that Cessation   (Separate study) 

'The Enemy Within'  (Separate study) 

The Eternal Soul Myth  (Separate study) 

The Events of Pentecost; What is the Truth? (Discussion Document).  (Separate study) 

The Gathering Together of Like Minded People (Christians and others)    (Separate study)  

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Good Shepherd     (Separate study)

The Gospels:    (Separate study)

The Graves that were opened  (Separate study) 

The Gross Neglect by Church Teachers and Leaders of Coming Events:   (Separate study)

The Heart!    (Separate study) 

The Holy Spirit and Israel    (Separate study) 

The Jewish Temple's Purpose and Meaning  (Separate study)

The "Kingdom", and the Jews    (Separate study)

The Kingdom of God and the 10 Virgins!    (Separate study)

The LAW!    (Separate study)

The Lord's Prayer and "Sin"?   (Separate study)

The Next Jewish Temple    (Separate study)   

The Original Passover and The Covenants    (Separate study)   

The RAPTURE   (Separate study)

The Rapture and the Kingdom (Millennial)    (Separate study)

The Renting of the Veil;   (Separate study) 

The Rich Man and Lazarus   (Separate study) 

The Rock  (Separate study)

The Saved!   (Separate study) 

The Scribes and Pharisees   (Separate study) 

The Search    (Separate study)

The Seed of Satan   (Separate study) 

The Sermon on the Mount   (Separate study) 

The Shepherd and the Sheep    (Separate study) 

The Soul?    (Separate study)

The Three Kings!   (Separate study)

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The True God!    (Separate study)

The Two Witnesses?    (Separate study)

The Understanding of Sin   (Separate study) 

The Wheels of Ezekiel 10:   (Separate study)

Third Jewish Temple    (Separate study)

"Tongues."!     (Separate study)

Tower of Babel     (Separate study)

Tribe Variations in the Bible    (Separate study)

TRIBULATION ?     (Separate study)

TRUE GOLD 3:18 (a) (b)

Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Others   (Separate study) 

Veil  (Renting of );  (Separate study) 

Wedding Feast of the LAMB    (Separate study)

What is the Bible for?   (Separate study)

Who are the Marked 144,000 (Rev. 7)   (Separate study)

Why did Job Suffer?   (Separate study)

“Why Israel”?    (Separate study)  

Why Paul, as the "Chosen Vessel"?    (Separate study)

Why Lucifer became Satan!   (Separate study)

Why the Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is not of God Almighty:   (Separate study) 

WISDOM     (Separate study)

Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11    (Separate study)

Witnessing and the Comforter!    (Separate study)

Women's Clothing before God!    (Separate study)

World Population    (Separate study)

Wrong Thinking on Satan.  (Separate study)

Zion, The Plan    (Separate study)   



Did Jesus Die on the Cross?    (Separate study)   

God and gods  (Separate study) 

Godhead and Christ Jesus    (Separate study)

God's Only Begotten Son   (Separate study) 

Proof of the Trinity in the Old Testament   (Compiled by Pat Miron)

The Genesis 1:1 Enigma    (Separate study)  

The Trinity Comforter    (Separate study)

The Trinity in the Old Testament;   (By Victor Alexander, ancient languages scholar)

The Triune God;    (Separate study) 



Christian Women     (Separate study)

David and Bathsheba  (Separate study) 

ESTHER    (Separate study)

Esther Comment    (Separate study)

Faith and Ruth    (Separate study)

Jacob's Mother     (Separate study) 

”Jephthah’s daughter”  A Vow to God?   (Separate study) 

Judah and Tamar  (Separate study) 

L E A H   (Separate study)

M A R Y, the mother of Jesus   (Separate study) 

R A H A B   (Separate study)

R U T H   (Separate study)

Women in Scripture, Old and New Testament:  (Separate study)

Women's Clothing before God!    (Separate study)

Zipporah and the Circumcision of Gershom   (Separate study) 

If you have questions or comments, please click here.  

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