SON OF MAN, Old and New Testament
Question: Who is the Son of Man mentioned in Ezekiel 33.
In the Bible, anyone other than Jesus means “Son of Adam”.
The reason is that Adam is/was the Creation of God for the “restart” of humanity; after the “Overthrow” just prior to Adam and Eve!
The reason that confusion is prevalent, is because the original word was mistranslated to “Foundation”!
The word "Foundation" in Greek is "Katabole", which means "Overthrow". This seems to have occurred at some stage between Gen. 1:1, and Gen. 1:2, see: The Age of the Earth Controversy: No information is given as to the reason, but is implicit in Almighty God's Plan of Redemption in Christ, as the Lamb's Book of Life started after that event! Much clarity is given by Paul and Peter regarding this juncture point. It is clear from Eph. 1:4, and 1Peter 1:20 that some are "known," before the "Overthrow", some after. Only Christ and His Body as shown in Eph. 1:4 and 1Peter 1:20 are "known" before the Overthrow (Foundation).
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