Revelation and John


Question:  Could the Epistles and Gospels of John have been written by a different Apostle and that John actually wrote Revelation, which is why the writing styles between them and Revelation are different?


The Authorship of the Gospel of John, and that of Revelation, has been discussed and disputed over the last 2000 years.

For some reason the “modern critics” have concentrated on this subject, instead maybe on the substance and meaning of the whole Bible in context, which has led to many Denominations departing from the simple Truth; and the teaching from the pulpits leaving many sincere people confused.

The early Church leaders (fathers) were in agreement that John was the author of the Gospel bearing his name.  Together with his Epistles and Revelation.

These included:

Melito, bishop of Sardis, c170; Eusebius; Irenaeus,c180; Muratorian Canon fragment,c200; Clement of Alexandria, c200; Tertullian, c220; Origen, c233; Hippolytus bishop of Pontus, c240; and others, including in the last 200 years reputable scholars.

The major point to be at the forefront of the mind, is that all Bible Scripture is Divinely inspired; see 2Tim. 3:16–17 and 2Peter 1:20–21!

See:  Scripture Corruption:  (study)


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