Peace on Earth!



Question: What happened?  The Bible promises to give us all around rest.  Are we really going to have rest here on Earth?  Even King Solomon that had all round rest, what are the problems he faced in his time?


The Old Testament is focused on Israel, with the hint of blessings for Gentiles (all peoples not Jews, Gen.12:1–3 & Gal. 3:13–14).

The so-called New Testament is focused on the Christ Jesus Messiah, whose first duty was to “the lost sheep of Israel” (Matt. 15:24; 10:6–8).

As regards Solomon, he became a mass fornicator and lost his favour and WISDOM, gifted by God!

As regards all people in this Age-Time; they have the choice to be one of Christ Jesus’ people (His Body) and be favoured with an afterlife in a completely sinless state, “and to be ever with the Lord” (1Thess. 4:13–18).


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