Question: Paul doesn’t seem to go into the life or teachings of Jesus, and focuses instead on the idea of “Christ Corporate”: i.e. "Christ's Body", part of the "new Creation" (2Cor. 5:16-17).  Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know [Him in this way]. 

Since I have been awakened to the (changing) purpose of Paul (now more than 25 years ago); I have been brought to the unchangeable state of concentrating on that change in Paul, after his encounter with our risen Lord, on the Damascus road, and Paul’s ultimate purpose on Earth!

The importance of the “Lord’s Body”, (in this Age, all people who accept Him, including Jews who can see through the Veil), is central to that, and, as is known his work was initially directed to the Jews, but because of the rejection of Jesus as their Messiah finally at Acts 28:25–28, by the Sanhedrin; his focus, under the Lord’s direction became the (Gentiles first object).  The Jews were made “Lo-Ammi” (not My people) for a duration of time (Romans 9:24–33; and that duration is to the point of Romans 11:25–27; after which Almighty God will salvage (save) them finally to the glorious state in Ezek. 39:21–29, for the duration of the Millennial!

“Christ's Body Corporate” is the correct term, but cannot be de-facto until His return (Zech.12:10) IMO; when the initial purpose of Christ’s Sacrifice (Jewish Salvation) as defined in Isa. 7:13–14; and as Paul declared at Acts 28–25–28, will take place.


Paul Pre-Acts 28:28  (Comment & Study)

PAUL'S Blinding  (Comment & Study)

Paul's Changing Mission!  (Study)

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!  (Study)

Paul (the Academic)!  (Comment)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose  (Study)


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