Noah's Flood Survivors


Question: Did any people survive Noah’s Flood?  If so, what became of them afterwards?


This particular study, in trying to understand the account given in Gen. 6 to 9 of the Flood event, and the considerable criticism that it draws from Atheists and Religious people alike, heightens the sense of caution in approaching all the sections of necessary study and fact gathering, where that is possible.

To start, it is necessary to fix the time of writing, and by whose hand.  It is generally accepted (and confirmed by Jesus, Mark 10:2-8); that Moses, guided by the Spirit of God wrote the first five books of the Holy Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which is called the Pentateuch by some Groups.

It is also generally accepted that he did the writing during the 40 years of penal wandering in the desert of Sinai; which was imposed on Israel by God for their lack of obedience and faith regarding His instructions to enter the Promised Land after the Exodus from Egypt.

Although Moses was the scribe, the substance was/is the Mind of Almighty God imparted by the Holy Spirit (2Peter 1:21).  The sceptics at this stage will turn away from these thoughts; but, as all true Christ-ones (Christians) know from their own personal experience; the Bible is the Word of God, and is to be trusted in faith; even when not understood!

See:  Ark of Noah   (Study) 

Noah and saved people!    (Comments)

Noah's Family and Nephilim    (Comments)

Noah's Flood, and the World Population  (Comments)


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