Moses, Jesus and the New Covenant



Question:  Hebrews 8:6 and 13.  What do these Scriptures mean?


Moses was the “type” of Christ Jesus (Acts 3:22).

Heb. 8 and 13 refer to the “New Covenant”, which Jesus referred to at the “Last Supper” (Luke 22:20 & 1Cor. 11:25).

Israel has yet to accept Jesus as their Messiah, which will happen when Zech. 12:10 is reached.

Between Christ’s Resurrection and His return, all who take His great Salvation, are part of His Body!

The Body of Christ Jesus:

There is a clear divide between the Body, and the Bride of Christ. That division is at Acts 28:25-28, and is a direct consequence of the failure of Israel to acknowledge and accept Christ Jesus as Messiah of Jehovah God.

See:  Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ:  


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