Judgement in Old and New Covenant



Question:  What is the meaning of “Judge Not” in Matthew 7:1?


It has to be remembered that when Jesus spoke (pre-AD30) He spoke often in the context of the Old Covenant and its Rules as laid out in the Writings of the Old Testament.

Many of His quotations from the Laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus were to grab the attention of the audience, after which He would wait for the inevitable questions and objections.

That is one of the reasons the Apostle Paul was a “chosen vessel”; because of his deep and detailed knowledge of the Old Testament; and his God given knowledge of the transition to the New Testament (New Covenant); which he received in his visit to Arabia!


Paul's Changing Mission!   (study)

PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!   (Comment)

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose   (Comment)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus   (study)


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