Jesus and Paul


Question: Paul teaches Salvation by faith alone.  Christ teaches Salvation through faith-repent-God’s Law.  Why does Christianity believe more than Christ?


Jesus Christ “came only to the lost sheep of Israel”, (Matt.15:24)!

He only preached as of the “the Law and the prophets”, (think not that I come to destroy the Law; I come to fulfil it) (Matt. 5:17)!

Because the Jews rejected Jesus before Pilate, and at Acts 28:25–28, Paul was forcibly Commissioned to preach to the Gentiles as “first priority”, which displaced the Jews into the prophesied “Lo-Ammi” state; which will remain so until the events of Zech.12:10!

Paul’s teaching is correct, and the problem is that the world’s standard Teaching on this subject is incorrect; and they tend to vilify Paul; which puts them into the same category as the “false prophets of Israel”, with the same consequences eventually!

See: Paul, the misunderstood and misquoted Apostle!  (Study) 



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