Isaac, Son of Promise


Question; Who was Isaac?  What did he do in Canaan?


Isaac was the “son of Promise and miracle”, born to Sara, wife of Abraham, when they were both of “great age” (approx. 100 years).

God stated that the Covenant with Israel, would be through Isaac; who fathered Jacob, who fathered the 12 tribes of Israel.

The 12 Tribes became a nation after their approx. 400 years of slavery in Egypt, and were led by Moses into the desert en-route to the “Promised Land”; who was used by God to give them “Gods’ Law”, to which they promised to adhere, but failed!

They again gave their Word to be faithful to God, but failed repeatedly, and in Deut. 30 they are shown what would befall them for their Idolatry and treachery!

Since that time they have rejected their Messiah Christ Jesus (Acts 28:25–28), and have spread all over the world; but have been promised by Almighty God that He will save them “FOR HIS NAMES SAKE”.

That will happen when the stage of Zech.12:10 is reached, and the world will be transformed into “the Kingdom of God on Earth”, for 1000 years!

That period of time is known by Christians as “the Millennial”, and is looked for avidly by the faithful!

Jesus told the faithful to WATCH, in Matt. 24!


Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah    (Comment)

"End Age" events affecting Israel, and the world   (study)


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