Question: What did Paul say about “the End Times” in his letters to Timothy and Titus?  Is it clear whether he was referring to his own time or the present time?  How can we determine the intended time frame?


Paul wrote these letters in approx. AD67–8!

His execution was approx. AD68.

He knew that he had only days or weeks to live; and also knew that after his declaration of Isa. 6:9–10 at Acts 28:25-28; which left Israel “Lo-Ammi” (not My people); and that the Gentiles had become God’s 1st. priority for the Great Gift of Salvation, and Eternal Life, as the “Body of Christ Jesus”!

Remembering that Paul was the “Chosen Vessel” of God/Jesus; he knew his function was closing fast, and that for all the Gentiles of the world to hear the “Good News”, would take much time; and also that there is a definite number of Gentiles that had to be found and saved (Romans 11:25–26).

He therefore was not considering the “time frame” as even near to his death; and means that we can take our Lord’s comments in Matt. 24 as “the intended frame of time (i.e. probably about now, or at least near); but with a sharp watch on vs. 15 and 36”!



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