Earth Age


Question: How can the Biblical book of Genesis be true if we know that the Earth and Universe are billions of years old?


The first word is in Gen.1:2, "was", correctly translated is becameThe word "was" implies a state that God had Created, instead of becoming that way for a reason!  Became also shows past tense, which in the error of the translators is not shown!

The next error is "without form", corrected to waste, which when put together with the rest of the verse shows that "the Earth became waste and dark" (at some stage in the duration of that existence); and clearly at the volition of Almighty God; and for good reason, as hinted above in Gen. 6; and shown below.

We know now, due to relatively recent discoveries,  that many creatures, both manlike, and great and small creatures have existed in the ancient past. Some seem to be monsters of great size and weird construction.  Others in the form of man, but not the same!  All are old, some very oldbut manlike creatures seem to range in age from 20-30,000 years to millions of years, if the accounts on record are correct; (See Google listing, which also lists the Smithsonian as attempting to destroy these evidences so as to strengthen the Evolution theory!)


Age of the Earth Controversy:   (study)

Genesis 1:1 Enigma   (study)


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