Christian Husbands and Wives

Question: What did Paul mean by “submitting” to our husbands in Ephesians?  What are some guidelines on how this should play out practically?


Adam was made responsible for the instructions that Almighty God gave him in Eden, despite all the events since involving women; and Adam (males) are still responsible and will have to give individual account to Almighty God in the future!

That very serious responsibility has not been taken away since Eden, despite the many occasions that men have failed God; and there are examples given when a woman has been chosen to fulfil the requirements of God to enable the survival of Israel, because they knew the urgency, and did not fail God when called!

The ‘normal’ function of a woman is that of the most elevated purpose, to produce, nurture, teach and love her children, and to be “a help meet for her man”.  There can be no higher position before God; and the reference to the “woman’s seed” (Gen. 3:15) which is the beginning of the downfall of Satan, has no higher calling; and is the prime reason that Satan attacked (tempted) Eve first in the Garden of Eden!

The man’s role is to provide for, protect, and give help in the raising and nurturing of his whole family.

See:  Women in Scripture, Old and New Testament:  (Comments and study)


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