Question: What is your opinion on the ancient civilizations of Babylonia and Assyria? Do you think they were more advanced than Egypt? Why or why not? What are your sources of information regarding this topic?
Question: Does confirmation of the Bible as God's Word depend on archaeology?
No, but some finds do so!
“Confirmation” in the case of the Word of God in the Bible, is a matter of Faith, which reaches a high point at some stage in the seeker’s lifetime.
A notable Bible Archaeologist Dr. Werner Keller, wrote a very good book called “THE BIBLE AS HISTORY”, which is a very good read.
Christ Jesus confirms the Bible:
Jewish interpretation of "The Law", the first 5 books given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, together with "The Prophets" is today called "Torah". The original Words were given by God to Moses, (known as Biblical Judaism), see: Jewish Scriptures:
They form part of the Old Testament "Bible" of today around the World. These Words were, and are accepted as from Almighty God by Judaism, Christianity and others. Where Judaism and Christianity part company, and differ, is at the point of the ending of the OT, and its many versions, and the start of what is called "The New Testament" (NT as is well known, much interference and alteration has taken place as regards the Bible text, both OT, and NT. See: Bible Text Corruption: (study)
Also: Bible and Archaeology! (study)
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