Question: Did Baal ever hold a position of power or was he always subordinate to a higher authority?  If so, who was this higher authority?


Baal is another name for Satan; and his work on Earth is to win over as many humans as possible in his attempt to “be as God”!

He can only operate within the rules of Almighty God; which God graciously allowed when he rebelled when he was a favoured Angel, called Lucifer!

Satan, and all his angels; together with all humans that work for him and honour him, will eventually be consigned to destruction (Rev. 20:10)!

This is the major test of the “free-will” of humans, and other of God's created creatures! which has been in evidence since Eden!



History: Baalbek is an ancient city reputed to have been built by the Phoenicians.  It is reputed to have been revered by the Greeks, who re-named it "Heliopolis".  The Romans built temples to their gods, which are still standing, and it has the largest base stones ever known for ancient building, (up to + 100 tons)?

It is the reputed site of Baal Worship for various occupants as "Baal" was a common Idol, representing various Idolic "deities" for Romans, Greeks and others.

Both Christianity and Islam are recorded in the History of the city, and in the Christian Biblical account of 1Kings 18:20-40, is the defeat by Elijah of the Prophets/Priests of Baal, and his act of slaughter of them after their failure; compared to the success of the "God of Abraham", which typifies Israel's successes when they and their Prophets showed their trust of Almighty God's Support of them; as He had promised in Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and 27:1-10!


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