Question: What are Angels? Do they have wings? Do they keep themselves hidden from our sight at all times, for reasons unknown?
Satan, since his original fall, has persuaded to his cause many Angelic creation which are numbered in Scripture (see Rev. 12:4) as a third of all the Angels of Heaven, which have done and are doing his bidding. The exact timing of his fall was certainly when Satan as a son (created) of God rebelled against his Creator, and claimed equality, (Ezk. 28:12-19).
Satan is a well-kept secret. Although known of from Scripture he is not taken seriously by people, and is even regarded as a sort of joke, or figure of Halloween imagery. Almost all of the world's misery is attributable to him, even though Almighty God usually gets the blame. Almost everybody at some time has blamed The Almighty for some misfortune, which in fact should be laid at the door of Satan, or human fallen nature, or both. There is no more powerful entity on Earth at the present time than Satan, (except for the Holy Spirit).
Our Lord Himself acknowledged Satan as the prince of this world (John 12:31), (John 14:30) & (John 16:11). The Apostle Paul writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit, called Satan, "the prince of the power of the air", (Eph. 2:2). These and many other Bible references show the power that is at present Satan's, and people will find to their cost that he is real, and behind all of the evil events, trends and control of humans that Paul wrote about so vividly and accurately to Timothy 2000 years ago, (2Tim. 3).
See: Satan's Contest with God (Study)
The servants of Satan are called in the KJV of the Bible “Devils”; but the correct translation from the Hebrew and Greek is “Demons”. So, why are they free at present to work against human kind; and especially Christians? It is clear that they possess people as is evidenced in Mark 1:32, and many references in the New Testament (NT). It is also clear that they were troubled when Jesus was near to them, and that He had superiority over them, even in His flesh state, (Luke 8:26-34). This is highlighted by their plea not to be sent to “the deep” (the abyss=Greek Abussos); which is where Satan and his Angels will be for the duration of the Millennial!
See: Angels and Demons! (Study)
To begin to try to put the various elements into place regarding Angels and Demons, for understanding, it is necessary to ask why there are “good” and “bad” Angels. It is clear that evil and good exists in the world; even devout Atheists concede that point.
To try to understand the difference between the latter group (Satan’s Demons) above, and the Angels in prison; it is necessary that an understanding and acceptance of Dispensations (Age times, or Administrations, ministries or messages;1Cor.12:5) of God is needed. For example, the dealings of God with His Created human kind at the beginning of the Bible, is not the same all the way through to Revelation; but, the theme of Salvation in the Christ of God “Jesus” is!
See: Satan's Demise! (Study)
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