Question: What is the significance of the Book of Acts?


The Book is in my mind Transition from the Arrival of God’s Gifts of the Holy Spirit, in dramatic Power, but at the end diminished to the point that Paul could not heal (i.e. Trophimus)!

In between the beginning and end, is much display of the actions of men and Spirit, showing the drama of the maximum Holy Spirit endowment, to the stage when the Jewish Sanhedrin rejected Christ Jesus as Messiah; and are declared “Lo- Ammi” (not My people); a condition which will remain until Zech.12:10!

The Apostle Paul is then empowered to put all his efforts into the Gentile Outreach; which he had been prepared for in Acts.

So; in short, Acts is a powerful example of a change in Dispensation from “Jew first” to “Gentile first”; which is confirmed in Romans 11:25–27!

The dramatic “saving” of Israel, must await Zech. 12:10, and Ezek. 39:21–29!


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